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Passenger Mirror Busted

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I busted my passenger side mirror while backing out of my garage. I know, I am an idiot :-)

I saw replacement mirrors sold on eBay?

They are supposedly OEM replacement, they are power, heated and with puddle light.

Anyone tried such mirrors? Anything to be wary of?

Also, my original mirror is blazing copper in color, the coloured cap is still in good shape, can I transfer it to the new mirror somehow?


Here is a link to one of the mirrors on eBay


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Thanks for the link, the mirror itself is still ok, butting was hanging by whatever is holding it to the motor. I put a tape around it to keep it in pace or now.

The lower housing is broken, so it will need replacing or sure.

I will try to take it apart to see what I need exactly, but the mirror internals do not look good at all.


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I just replaced the driver side mirror,while sitting in the car someone drove by like he was on Daytona and mirror to mirror,he destroyed the mirror completly thru one of my accounts who runs 211 Ford Escape hybrids as Taxis the mirror list $321 cost $200 and was a 10 minute replacement,I have to remove the cap to paint it but the color is dark blue and can wait until warmer weather to do so ,Marty

Edited by Depiry
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