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Droid DNA with Ford SYNC?

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Does any one have the Droid DNA? I was thinking about switching to it but I'm worried about whether or not it plays nicely with the Ford Sync system.


I have the iPhone5 (I know, I've always hated iPhone), I switch from the new Blackberry Bold to the iPhone5 when I got my 12' Sport in 2011 because it stores music easily and syncs with other devices very easily. As soon as I get into the car it connects with the Ford Sync and starts playing all of my music. It cannot text though....


So my main concern is, does the Droid DNA work the same as my iPhone does with Sync? Will it autoamticlly connect and start playing music? Changing songs on the steering wheel etc.

Edited by KingMike
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I have a HTC One X with Sense 4+, so I geuss it should be a simliar experience to the DNA. Everything works except Contact Photos & Sync always tells me that the phone does not support Text messaging even though messages I receive are received by Sync & are even read out loud by it.

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I have a Galaxy Note and I actually have problems with MFT with it. It constantly drops connection to Sync and when it does stay connected, the phone has to be so close to the head unit for calls to come through clearly. I do think it is a problem with the phone because my wifi in the house sucks on it. I have to be within 40ft or so of the router for it to pick up a signal. Anything beyond that, it drops connection. All my other devices work fine in the house. I just waiting on some kind of update to the OS in hopes that it will fix the issue because I love this phone. It worked before the last phone update so I tried rolling back, but I don't think that's possible. Even tried factory reseting the phone. No luck.

If anything, after the new SD card with maps gets to me, Ill see if the new MFT update helps. I would really like to use my phone as inteded with MFT.

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