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Cooling Fans Won't Turn On, MKX Overheated, schematics needed


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So today while the family and I were in line for the bank I noticed the temperature gauge rising on my wife's lincoln. I popped the hood and could tell the fans were definitey not in, these should definitely have been on for the simple fact the temp gauge was pegged, and the AC was on.


I would like to know if anyone knows the pins I can use to test the fans with a direct 12 volts to verify the issue is the fan?




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Ok, ran 12v direct to both fans, and neither of them did anything, so I'm 100% my fans aren't working.


Is this fan module part something I should test also? Or is that part of the fan assembly, I'll be replacing anyway?


At least it looks this way in the picture they are showing here:




Thanks for the schematics to!

Edited by jeffr_vws
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The black box in the upper left corner of the picture you attached is the Fan Module. It takes a signal from the PCM to modulate the speed of the fans.





Step 4 of the instructions may mean that you'll need to break the connection of the upper radiator hose to the radiator.


Good Luck,





Ford Edge Cooling Fan RandR.pdfFetching info...

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  • 6 years later...
  On 12/16/2012 at 1:34 AM, autom8r said:



There are two options, 1] with a towing package and 2] without the towing package. I've included both wiring diagrams here for your use. There is a fan module that is notorious for going out. It is down near the fans at the radiator.


Good luck.

Ford Edge Cooling Fan Wiring.pdfFetching info...


I know this is old post but the link to the Edge Cooling Fan wiring pdf  is broken, would someone happen to have a working link ? thx

BWT I have 2011 limited 3.5 that went south , had a used  one installed and i am thinking the mechanic did something to pinch (?) the wiring harness , since now the pcm will not send a signal to the a/c clutch or fan motors . I need to back track the wiring from where it plugs into the firewire wall.

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  On 6/18/2019 at 3:35 AM, F2504x4 said:

I know this is old post but the link to the Edge Cooling Fan wiring pdf  is broken, would someone happen to have a working link ? thx

BWT I have 2011 limited 3.5 that went south , had a used  one installed and i am thinking the mechanic did something to pinch (?) the wiring harness , since now the pcm will not send a signal to the a/c clutch or fan motors . I need to back track the wiring from where it plugs into the firewire wall.



I posted some schematics about this same issue in a different thread.




If you need more schematics, let me know and I can see about it.

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  On 6/18/2019 at 3:35 AM, F2504x4 said:

I know this is old post but the link to the Edge Cooling Fan wiring pdf  is broken, would someone happen to have a working link ? thx

BWT I have 2011 limited 3.5 that went south , had a used  one installed and i am thinking the mechanic did something to pinch (?) the wiring harness , since now the pcm will not send a signal to the a/c clutch or fan motors . I need to back track the wiring from where it plugs into the firewire wall.



is it just during ac use or cooling fans wont turn on

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They are not turning even when on the max setting , I just replaced the low side pressure switch  with the same results. Had the mechanic hook it up to a his computer, they could then manually over ride it and tell the a/c unit clutch to turn on, which it did along with the fans. Which is confusing to me.


On Edit we did trick the fans to turning on and they ran fine.


  Thanks for the videos , but what I am chasing down is possibly a pinched wire in the harness when they reinstalled a new engine even though they dropped the motor from underneath  .

Edited by F2504x4
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay after a long night we replaced the a/c unit (flushed etc etc ), pulled a vacuum and it held, added Freon, it only took a little bit, the compressor clutch still  will not engage, low pressure sensor was replaced . so I am back where I started . I am still thinking i have a wiring issue. 


With the scan tool the mechanic did force the clutch to engage and fans did activate .  

we did try to fool the A/C pressure sensor by jumping it , but it did nothing.

Any ideas ?


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Well after researching and a few phone calls I found the info I needed. I will post it here so in-case someone else is looking for it.

1. the A/C Expansion Valve located on the fire wall behind where the hoses run.Remove air intake system that you had to remove to get access , Once there you need to unbolt one of hose brackets and also the A/C line bracket that is mounted on the right side fender well.

This unit is in set into the firewall, 10 mm socket and a allen wrench are needed to remove. This is not easy to get out as you have wiggle it quite a bit to get loose. It is a tight fit with the a/c lines to put on the new O rings. Lube with a/c compressor oil. 

Before you re assemble the air intake system that you had to remove , now is a good time to pull a vacuum on the A/C system, this will save you time if you have leak as you have access to this area.   

2. The  A/C Accumulator Filter is located on the Condenser it self , raise the car and remove the air deflector , look up on the left front side where the radiator and condenser are , you will see a hole in the core support , then you can see a nylon white plug which is the A/C Receiver Drier and plug , big hex wrench is needed, use the new plug to size .
 more details on - https://www.carid.com/2011-ford-edge-air-conditioning-heating-parts/?filter=1&sub-model[Liter][]=3.5Lyou need to remove to remove the filter bag , get a small hook tool and pull the bag out, be-careful not to taste test the a/c oil that will drip out.

3. When you go to recharge the a/c system you may not get the a/c compressor to kick on to take the proper charge , what we did was to pull the A/C clutch relay #68 and put 12 volts to it. Be sure to look up the relay number to find to 12v output pin. <-- this is important not to fry other parts  like the PCM

Next we had a tough time in getting the system to take the proper amount of charge of 1.5 lbs . So start by evacuating the system , then add .3 to .5 lbs at a time till the fans kick on , then replace the relay and go about charging the a/c system like normal. When we found out was it did not like a full charge all at once but by adding a little bit at a time we were able to get the system up and running .

Now keep in mind you may have to go back and add a bit more charge after 24 hrs since the new Freon take longer for the gas to completely expand. 

edge ac filter.jpg

edge expansion valve2 .jpg

edge expansion valve.jpg

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  • akirby pinned this topic
  • 2 months later...

2013 SE 3.5   58,000 miles


Been reading for hours and am running out of ideas......same problem, fans will not run with a/c on. Done so far: ordered a new motorcraft fan assembly from rockauto > installed and still no fans > fuse (60A w/o tow pkg) good > 12 volts to FCM good > each fan (old & new) run with 12 volts applied. The small white and blue control wire at the main plug in to the FCM is not receiving the signal from the PCM telling the fans to come on. Had the battery out yesterday for a couple hours and when I hooked it back up ....Shazam!! the fans came on!!......for about 2 or 3 minutes, then right back to no good :(

Am showing 2 trouble codes in Forscan, I can clear P0480 and it will come back after trying a/c again, can't clear P160A and in my reading am assuming it is there because of a few changes I did with Forscan like pk lamps as DRL's, disable bulb out check (for running LED's) etc.

So to wrap up, there are no temp or pressure sensors that could be the culprit and I am probably going to have to go to the dealer to have my PCM checked out.  Anyone have anything else for advice??....and thanks!!

IMG_20190919_132836 (Medium).jpg

IMG_20190919_132749 (Medium).jpg

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If the wiring harness and connectors at both ends (fan and PCM) look good, then yes, it could be a PCM issue.


Reprogram or update the calibration. If the PCM already has the latest calibration, carry out the RELEARN VEHICLE DATA procedure from the SERVICE FUNCTIONS menu on the scan tool. Check for other DTCs or drive symptoms for further action. Make sure to check for aftermarket performance products before installing a new PCM. If it is necessary to install a new PCM, refer to Section 2, Flash Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) , Programming the VID Block for a replacement PCM.
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