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Droid Razr Maxx BT to MFT.

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Well I had a nice surprise on the way home this evening. My work phone was a DroidX that had served me well. I had rooted it and was using a custom ROM. Much faster and total control. The one thing that it couldn't do was display a caller's picture or read me text when I received one.


Well ... the "back" key was dysfunctional 90% of the time and I requisitioned a new phone - The Verizon Razr Maxx (not HD - yet) running Android 4.0.4 (aka - ice cream sandwich). I'd already paired it days ago and at the 2nd or 3rd time I entered the vehicle and it auto connected, I happened to notice a notice on my Maxx .... asking if I wanted to allow BT to use a specific protocol. Which I answered "hell yeah"


So .. I'm driving home I hear this new tone, look down and see ... New Message on the right hand dash screen. READ ? ... ah yeah. And MFT proceeds to read me a text message !!! Ok this is kind of cool. It this works now .. do the contact pictures also now show up? And they did .. BOOYA ! I have full phone integration with MFT !!


So - Motorola Razr Maxx (Android v4.0.4) works fully with Edge MFT.

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When MFT reads the text to you does it lower the radio volume? Ours doesn't seem to, plus I find it reads the message too fast so you end up missing the message. I find it easier and clearer to use other apps to do this. Just wondering if this is another thing my system doesn't do correctly.

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No .. not all the way. It drops it about 30-40% and then does kind of read it at natural speech pace. But because its "her" she is a bit harder to understand than the other "her" (wife) Or maybe I just listen 2nd one better.


Anywho ... if you turn down the main volume to 0% and then listen to the text, you'll still hear her at the same level as before only now with nothing else at the same time.

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