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Temp Gauge Stuck

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I typically don't have the display set to show engine temp, but I happened to scroll through the various options the other day on my 2012 Ford Edge and saw the temp somewhat high. I had just started the car (drove maybe 2 miles) and the car had been in a parking garage so it was not "in the sun" before driving... the temp showed right in the middle (covering the little bulb on the bottom of the thermometer graphic). This seemed wrong so I have kept it displayed now for a few days and it is "stuck" in that same spot no matter what I am doing - cold start, drive for an hour in the sun with the A/C on, etc. I know temp sensors can get stuck, but I would have thought that would be a older manual / mechanical one (although that is pure speculation on my part).


I am concerned that the car's diagnostics are telling it that it is hotter than it really is and it is unneccesarily running the fan, etc... or even worse, if the car did overheat badly, it would not sense it is very hot and not do what it needed to do.


Is there a way to "reset" the temp sensor or check it in some way? I am headed on a family vacation in a few days and really don't have time to swing by the dealership.


Also, I ran a vehicle diagnostic and it said everything is fine (I just hit 6000 miles on it this morning).



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