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SYNC question

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My apologies because I could probably find the answer to this somewhere on the site, but with so many SYNC posts I wasn't sure where to start. My system has been giving me problems for the last month. Now the dealer is going to replace the APIN(?). My question is, once this is replaced, will that take care of the problems with the system shutting down or is this something that has to be replaced every so often? Just curious what I have to look forward too. My wife already refers to the Edge as a POS when she calls to make appointments to bring it in and it's only a year old. We are very disappointed in this. Was my first Ford and very well could be my last.




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The APIM is the main board for the MFT, it is similar to a computers motherboard and should not need periodic replacement. But not unlike MB's they can fail or have bad components that can cause problems and require replacement. But with that said replacement doesn't always fix the issues. I don't think anyone really knows why some people have so many issues and other have so few. My system was OK with a few glitches, then I upgraded to 2.11 and it was horrible. To the point of being completely useless. But teh rewritten software has been a huge improvement. Even though lately it has been acting up it is still leap and bonds more stable than before. But some have seen the opposite happen. So I hope a new APIM is the solution for you but with the MFT nothing is 100%.

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One person had serious problems and got the APIM replaced and continued to have problems. After replacing the APIM again all was fine. Most people are reporting no serious problems with the new software.


I'm convinced that there are bad APIMs still out there including some stock replacements. A new APIM should fix the problems - if not demand that they replace it again.

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Thanks for the comments. Good thing I still have 2 years of warranty left.......if we have the car that long. It's too bad that this high tech system is ruining such a nice car. I'm just afraid if I keep it past the warranty it will cost me a fortune in repairs. We have had it in the shop 4 times for SYNC related items in the first year. That's not good, but I am hoping the APIM will solve my problem.

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