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New 2013 Ford Edge Limited Owner 444.9 miles


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Did I make a mistake? One week into ownership started on trip to visit grandsons with wife. Loved the Edge for 449.9 miles suddenly a jolt and I was able to steer vehicle off of the interstate. I waited for tow truck for an hour with temps hovering at 98 degrees. The vehicle was taken to the closest dealership and two hours later found out that timing chain broke, engine damage, and the entire engine would have to be replaced. This is really upsetting because how many people would spend this amount of money knowing it would need a new engine after 450 miles? What other problems will be incurred after engine pulled and replaced if everything is not put back correctly. At some point this will affect trade in value in the future. Thoughts?

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Very unusual to have a timing chain break...but with such low miles it was likely do to a defect in the manufacturing. No matter what Ford or any other manufacturer does they will still have such issues in very rare instances. Good thing is they are going to replace the whole engine. I would have definitely pushed back if they wanted to put a rebuilt engine in or rebuild yours. Then you are relying on someone's skills that may or may not do it often. Where the new motor will come from Ford's engine plant. As for it affecting resale, it is a possibility but at least for me I wouldn't expect a discount on such a vehicle. If you kicked it at 30k I would be suspicious of your driving habits and what else may have been abused and not be willing to pay as much, but that is just my thoughts. As for the system going back together right...I wouldn't be too concerned. There are so many sensors on these engines that monitor just about everything and how they are working with each other you'll likely get some error code if something isn't right. But if I were you I would be on the phone with Ford customer service and expressing your concern and push for an extended warranty. I also wouldn't accept just powertrain since there is a chance (slim) something else could get damaged and not show up for a while. I think if you deal with them and keep your cool but be persistent you'll find a resolution everyone can be happy with.

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I would be asking for a New replacement vehicle all together. Thats crazy not even making it 500 miles, I love Ford's... but I would sick. At least they are replacing the whole engine, but still its not a new off the line vehicle anymore. It has a different engine, sorry I dont want to make you feel worse but I've been through this before myself. I bought a brand spanking new Chevy Silverado, and at 1200 mile the tranny blew-up. I was amazed because I babied my new truck and never towed anything. Well at 15,000 that tranny blew up again, and GM would not replace, they rebulit it, and would only warranty it for one year or 12,000 miles. I was like What the hell that less than the original warranty. But, they assurred me they would cover it for 36,000. and it did last until 49,000, even with multiple shaft leaks. And I still have never towed anything, At that point GM covered half of the 4000.00 to fix it again, because of the previous issues. I got rid of it at 75000, I was just waiting for it fail again. My Point to this... is the truck was never the same, I always felt I was going to blow my tranny at anytime. And to me my truck was a "PILE" from the beginning, and I wish I never bought the thing. Or at least would have not bought one that right off the bat had issues. My Ford Edge has been a great vehicle. Sorry your Edge failed, Good luck, and let them know your concerns.

Edited by jst333
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