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:Door Ajar" warning on at all times


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having the same problem (door ajar light won't turn off) with my 2011 Ford Edge . I am currently on the phone with the number that was recommended in a previous post. The lady that I spoke with said that the Ford edge forum is worthless because FORD doesn't check other websites postings, so please call in (1-800-392-3673) and complain about the door ajar light coming on. It is considered a safety issue when you cannot close your door all the way for the doors to lock. I have tried WD-40 and the other spray that was recommended, but it didn't help. Of course, my car is out of warranty, so I am sure I will be in shock when I find out how much this costs me. I first am having to pay $99 just to have the car problem diagnosed. I will tell you that FORD is really proud of there products and services.....so proud that it will not make me return to a ford product.


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Here is a update. Been 7 days since I sprayed electric cleaner. On the 4th day, I opened the door to spill extra coffee on the road when I was on a red light. The ajar stay on. I reopened it and closed it normally, ajar went off. It did it again on the 5th day and just reopened and closed it normally and it always goes away. So. .. This morning I decided to spray wd40 inside the latch without removing the door panel in which I have never done. I sprayed it good so it reaches everything. Guess what? The ajar light came one when I closed the door and refuse to go away no matter how many times I closed the door or even when i closed it rather hard. It stay on for a good 3 minutes until I decided to spray electric cleaner again. I soaked it really good and guess what? Ajar light is gone and hasn't come in the whole day again. So stay away from wd40 on this issue! Use electric cleaner!

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That's explains why when I read some people hosing down the latch worth only wd40 said that it stays on no matter how much you spray. Lol. Wd40 DOES NOT work! Use brake cleaner like a previous poster said or electrical cleaner. Some say brake cleaner eats plastic and destroys the housing. But I never seem that happen unless you leave a item dipped in our over night. But I stayed on the safe side amnd used electrical cleaner. But any how, this is the sweet spot. Put the straw right where I have it and spray. You can adjust the straw to hit the whole area squared in orange.



Edited by 2011edgese
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See this white arm? That's the mechanism that gets pushed up when you close the door. That works fine going up ams down but the actual circuit seems to be the culprit. I can push it up and down with a pen and it glides smoothly. When you pushed it all the way up, you hear a click in the center console. Meaning it is sending the signal that the door is closed. When it gives the ajar warning, you can push the arm up and you wrong hear click in the center console. Once I spray it with the cleaner, then I get the click. I manually pushed the latch with my finger to simulate the door locked, that's why you see the white arm. If you try this, remember to pull the door handle to unlock the mechanism when you shut the door. . Otherwise when you close the door, it will bang hard. Also. . This leads me to believe it's not a mechanical issue.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a shame so many people are having the same problem as I did. Clearly there's an issue with the design of the switch. No amount of spraying contact cleaner or WD-40 into my switch did anything to help it so the only solution was to have it replaced. I bought the part from Ford and had a buddy of mine install it (He's a Ford tech).


Hopefully the replacement lasts a bit longer than the original.


Best of luck to those currently having issues.

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  On 9/14/2013 at 8:57 PM, Torontoguy said:

It's a shame so many people are having the same problem as I did. Clearly there's an issue with the design of the switch. No amount of spraying contact cleaner or WD-40 into my switch did anything to help it so the only solution was to have it replaced. I bought the part from Ford and had a buddy of mine install it (He's a Ford tech).


Hopefully the replacement lasts a bit longer than the original.


Best of luck to those currently having issues.




Can you give us the part number? Also, do you know if the swirch is the same for all doors?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been fighting the same problem for a month now on my 2011 SEL. Electronic parts cleaner seems to work for about a day.


I took it to the dealership and they had it for two days. The latch switch mechanism is the number 3 most backordered part in the Ford Motor Company parts system. The dealer could not even give me an estimated delivery date.


They sprayed penetrating oil (similar to WD40) in it and gave it back to me yesterday afternoon. It started acting up on me again last night.


It wouldn't be so bad if there was a way to override the dome light staying on. This is my company car. I'm in and out of it 20-30 times per day on some days. I'm sick of slamming the heck out of the door. I'm tired of dealing with this crap.

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I been having the same issue throughout the summer with my 2008, tried the spray routine worked well at first but in the last couple weeks it's not been successful. Took the fuse out that controls the interior lighting but the constant "door ajar" warning on the readout is annoying. Local dealers don't have it in stock. Tried a couple times ordering the part and verifying the part was in stock on both occasions prior to ordering and received an e-mail that the part (8T4Z7821813A) ​Is on a national back-order on both orders. Supposedly a dealer in Texas has one, ordered this morning.


Have no idea how many Edge's have been sold but seeing this affects up to the 2013 model it's no surprise it's the 3rd most back-ordered part.


Could someone give some insight on how to replace this latch assembly, I removed the door panel but could not remove the interior black panel to get to the latch after removing the bolts.

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