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New cars Black Boxed starting in 2015?


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I came across this article and thought it was interesting. I wonder if our Edges have these installed. Real time insurance adjustments does not sound friendly. I am a realtively defensive driver and dont speed much, but the thought of this makes me real uncomfortable.



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Wow is that guy paranoid. As Waldo mentioned the current GPS chips do not transmit but it is possible they could in the future. But realistically speaking why would they want to do this? The cost to implement a system to sort all this data would be tremendous. Satellite based communication is just out of the question so this would pretty much leave cellular service to transmit the data. I highly doubt the current networks could support this added bandwidth not to mention many areas have no coverage. I would think this will just be stored locally and probably only the last few minutes. Would I be happy about it no, but I also don't think it is the Big Brother thing he is portraying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow is that guy paranoid. As Waldo mentioned the current GPS chips do not transmit but it is possible they could in the future. But realistically speaking why would they want to do this? The cost to implement a system to sort all this data would be tremendous. Satellite based communication is just out of the question so this would pretty much leave cellular service to transmit the data. I highly doubt the current networks could support this added bandwidth not to mention many areas have no coverage. I would think this will just be stored locally and probably only the last few minutes. Would I be happy about it no, but I also don't think it is the Big Brother thing he is portraying.


It exists now, GM (Govt. Motors) has OnStar......

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It exists now, GM (Govt. Motors) has OnStar......

But to my point this system does not have a constant stream of data as the author suggested. It is used only when the owner requests services or in the event of a crash. Again, we are a long way from being able to have a robust enough cell network to support all this bandwidth and most certainly it won't come for free.

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But to my point this system does not have a constant stream of data as the author suggested. It is used only when the owner requests services or in the event of a crash. Again, we are a long way from being able to have a robust enough cell network to support all this bandwidth and most certainly it won't come for free.




They can get data w/o your knowledge.

They can disable your car if "THEY" really want to.

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Black boxes have been installed for years. Yes with On-Star they cab disable your vehicle if it has been reported stolen and is currently being driven. They will wait for law enforcement to get behind the vehicle and disable it. It is also used for data involving fatal collisons where trained law enforcement can retrieve the data to assist them in the investigation. And of course the dealer will look at data to see if there has been some type of ongoing problem.

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