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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. It isn't always one sided. - Kirby isn't perfect - but all he was asking was for Wilson to be realistic in his review and not make all encompassing statements. Wilson has a crappy system and I am sure it is frustrating, but not all cars have crappy systems. Wilson and Kirby have been fighting for a year, and frankly - both sides of it gets old to read on every thread to me.
  2. So did Vista for Microsoft - Just don't make all encompassing blanket statements.
  3. And please be honest that YOUR mft has problems with just about anything. Mine has almost no issues ever. There is no rhyme or reason as to why some work great and others don't, but I have to believe that there are more people with working systems then not. You just don't hear from them. Just test the system in the car you are looking at as completely as you can.
  4. Yep - all that glass on the roof - I am not planning on rolling it. And mine has only been to the shop for an oil change where Wilson went weekly for a while. I am still on mft v1.8 and love it. It is not my iphone, but it works great. My navigation has all the addresses I have put into it, but sometimes my little arrow is off to the side of the road - and there was always a problem with my sirus subscriptions, but they don't work up here in AK anyway, so never bothered to have it fixed. - Maybe that was the root of all your problems Wilson - Sirus? just kidding. The only thing I have heard from the 12's that I wish I could get is the better front passenger seat. I might have to look into how much it would be to get one. I am glad I don't have turn signals on my mirrors - I don't like them.
  5. Yep - that is the same box I have. I have talked to both Ford customer support and NavTec and both say they are waiting on the other, but no word on any updates. I have had my car since September 2010 so annually would be about now...
  6. I would guess that maps in Florida on it are more current then maps in Alaska - we are often forgotten about. The picture is pretty - my does work fine if you don't mind the car symbol driving a quarter of an inch off of most roads. I do prefer and like that I don't have an added device on my dash, just wish that it was as easy to update as my husbands garmin.
  7. Your Garmin will be better. Not having an extra device is nice, but the updateableness (is that a word?) of a Garmin is better then the over priced crap that you get with the car. Mine works well, but the maps are out of date and no one can tell me when there will be an update and how much they will charge for it.
  8. I am not saying I want them, but it sucks that Alaska and Hawaii are always excluded.
  9. Software you have to go to the dealership to get done.
  10. It was 48 when I got in my car this morning. Had to defog my windows and toast the buns a bit. We might hit 60 today. Send some heat up this way.
  11. If it is working well, don't mess with it. The updates are fixing issues and have been known to introduce others. Take a wait and see attitude. I am still on an older version than yours, but it works well enough that I am hesitant to make any changes yet.
  12. 1.8 - and I had what I think was my 4th reboot in a year this morning. I managed to get my seat warmer and my music going before it started and they stayed on through it and continued once done. All and all - not a bad experience. I am very nervous about doing any upgrades though since it does work so well. My only problem continues to be the screen staying on if the passenger door is opened after the driver door is closed. Locking fixes it, so not that troublesome. I am still waiting for you to get 2.11
  13. So they are here now doing my windshield. Complete replacement - only 40 bucks out of pocket. And they come to my work. Woo hoo.
  14. We have people that break out their convertibles as soon as the snow is gone from the roads and you pass them bundled all up in their heavy winter gear and I am sure the heater full blast - but they are topless gosh darn it... all ways makes me laugh.
  15. We have a couple of weeks that it is warm enough to open them a little. I have even had the roof open a couple of times. I love it!
  16. Our Edge and our F150 does this - but if you drop a second window it stops it.
  17. Really? - the two of you are still having this argument? I think it is safe to say - everyone agrees - It shouldn't have been put out last year. But it was. It does appear that Ford is attempting to fix it. Maybe not as fast as we would like, but they are attempting. Hopefully this new update this month will be AMAZING! and we will all fall in love with the system like was planned. Maybe I am just to much of an optimist.
  18. and a 1.3 step for me. Might be worth taking it in. Finally fix my nightlight issue. Of course, now I am just in the habit of locking the car when I get out no matter where I am, that I forget about most of the time. Well, make sure you let us all know how it is.
  19. Rumor on the Ford Explorer facebook page from Rebecca at Ford says the new update will be out by August 12. There were no details on what the update will contain/fix/change... The explorer page is more active then the edge page on facebook if you are going there for any information. Might finally be time for an update on my car. Maybe. I will let Wilson go first.
  20. Then yeah I say they are great and I could definitely see how they would be nice here in the dark of winter. Not much need in the summer. I would love a switch like that, too
  21. [quote name='cal3thousand' timestamp='1310879181' post='62535 (Time for someone to chime in with "its illegal / too bright ..etc") They look sick bright... Are they only that bright when backing up? then Hell Yeah! they rock - if I had to follow them, I would try to get away from them.
  22. I left an old ipod touch in my limited all winter and never had a problem because of the cold. Never had a problem with the system as a whole because of the cold. I am not in the extreme cold of Fairbanks or further north, but had plenty below 0F last winter.
  23. I finally just cut my hair off - no more pony tail to deal with! That was my only major complaint too.
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