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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. I still have v1.8 which is still Gen2 - and YES - I am still satisfied with the product. I agree it isn't an i-device, but for a computer system in a car, it works as I would hope. In more than a year of ownership, I have had to disconnect the battery once and have yet to pull the fuse. I am hoping for better maps for the upgrade, but other than that, I am not in need of any major upgrade.
  2. New update... Jaclyn At Ford No problem, Ron. @Carrie & Nicole - Customers that purchased the navigation option will receive a new and improved SD-card in their Performance Upgrade packet. Give me a shout if you have additional questions.
  3. Quote from Social Media rep on Facebook... I followed up with a request for more info on this. Jaclyn At Ford Hey,! Along with the Performance Upgrade that will be mailed out early next year, customers that purchased the navigation system will receive an SD-card with new and improved map data. Let me know if you have any additional questions. Jaclyn, In-Vehicle Technology Team
  4. You don't have an auto start on it? I would think that would be mandatory in Canada - It practically is here in Alaska. Yes, the auto-start is great with the auto setting as long as you aren't in the grey area's of temp - right about 32f it isn't quite cold enough to need to kick everything up to high, but not warm enough to not kick everything up to high. But the engine is warm and the heat is quick to follow.
  5. And ultimately, I don't care which cycle they end on, but just stop the change. In another week it is dark outside before and after work, so blah!
  6. Right now... sun rise is about 9am - depending on how flat of an area you are in or if you have a mountain in the way, making it later. And Sunset is at 4:30. We are still losing 5 minutes a day, so if you don't have a window in your office you could go all day without seeing light. Summer is reversed. so really DST just messes with kids heads.
  7. If I had waited till the X was out - I would have gone that way. Just having the bucket rear seats alone, then to add the option of the third row. With it all looking almost the same. But I do love my edge too.
  8. Yes, we do it. It makes it dark later into the morning and light a smidge longer at night. For about a week. Then it doesn't matter again. It is just dark. alll the time. or it is snowing. Yes. Already hating on winter. When is my trip to Hawaii? But seriously - does DST matter any where? NO! It is just stupid.
  9. This is how I have mine set. There is no rhyme or reason why things work on one car and not another. Good luck.
  10. http://syncsupport.ford.com/servlet/technology/updates-sync-with-myford-touch
  11. Mine changed automatically. But I am still on 1.8 so who knows. I am now fairly confident that I will wait for the major rewrite before doing any changes to the system.
  12. I would guess either your cord is bad, or your outlets are bad.
  13. My only guess is the reclining feature of the back row?
  14. With the ambient lighting - you can tell if you headlights have come on. They don't work unless your headlights are on. Seems like a silly way to check, but that is what I use. I wish the auto lights came on sooner, or weren't light sensitive, but just came on when the car was running that would eliminate the need for daytime running lights. I wouldn't say it has to be very dark for them to come on though.
  15. I know the "cold" out designation is not high enough - it doesn't start really heating up the car unless it is 32 or lower outside. But mine is set to auto and it does work. Even if it is above that - at least the engine is warm when I get up to kick everything on to high. And the seats warming up is not as clear. They don't get as hot as when the car is running, but does make them not cold. Hope that helps.
  16. A detailer is going to tell you to never use an automatic car wash of any kind. Earlier in the thread Canuk did describe pretty clearly, what you should do at a minimum, but if you also just are more concerned with clean and keeping the crud off, get your car washed however you can.
  17. Awesome - Only 5k miles? I put 15k on in my first year, but still no problems on mine either.
  18. Yes. The radio does not come on with the remote start - no matter how you had it when you turned the car off last.
  19. All the HVAC controls can either be set to auto - which means that they are dependent on the outside temp to determine if the car will heat or cool or do a whole lot of nothing - or it can be set to "last setting", which will make the temp controls come on as you had them when you turned off the car. This means that you have to remember to kick up the heat/ac when you get out if you want it to do that. I leave mine on auto and it seems to work great for the most part. Spring and fall are a bit of a challenge though since the car thinks 32 is ok to not kick the heat on high. At least the engine is warm enough to start kicking out good hot air when you get in.
  20. It does at least save a person from having to figure out which fuse, or dropping it. Or dropping the wrench down into the pits of the engine area when you are trying to connect the battery back up. Not that I know about that personally or anything, um... yeah, so.... But I do like your fix Scott of the jump drive, since then you shouldn't have to fix all of your preferences and stuff again right?
  21. The other website is http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?/forum/80-vehicle-locator-by-ford-employees/ but you have to have ten posts on the website to even be able to post in this section and you are just creating a thread to have someone track your vin for you. It is a lot less private if you are concerned about that - at least on FB you are sending a private message. There is no way for you do to do it yourself, unless you work for ford and have access to the system they use. I used the blue oval site and it worked great, but just after that, a lot of rules popped up to help the guy doing it. Follow his rules and he is really helpful, don't and he won't.
  22. Are you on facebook - if you are - you can friend any of the "(fill in the blank) at ford" people, and they can help you track it. Jamie and Marc are the two names I see offering this service the most. Good luck and Congrats!
  23. This is the one I am looking forward too. I have really gotten better about locking my car - so I guess it isn't all bad.
  24. Posted on facebook : Jaclyn At Ford I just wanted to let everybody know that we've unveiled our first self-install update on SYNCMyRide.com for MyFord and MyLincoln Touch equipped vehicles! Version 2.11 can now be downloaded to a USB flash drive and installed in your vehicle. Click here to check it out: http://bit.ly/qjI273 I'd recommend reviewing the Owner to Owner announcement as well as instructions: http://bit.ly/qIclUa If you have any questions feel free to ask. Have a great weekend :-) Jaclyn Verify your VIN to access your SYNC owner account as a guest - Please Enter Your Vehicle Identificat www.syncmyride.com Access the SYNC website as a guest
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