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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. Do you have extra z plan pin codes? I credit union has rates at 4.3 for 60 months. I am hoping once my car gets here there are some awesome incentives.
  2. Start directing some of these trucks back north to Alaska!
  3. I got a build date of August 30, but no delivery date - they told me maybe end of September. My dealership doesn't seem very excited about ordered cars though so not very forthcoming with info. And with a delivery location of Alaska - it really could take a month to get here. Fingers crossed for sooner.
  4. Great article. I wish the Sport wheels came in 18's so that you could get better rated all weather tires (I need good snow traction for half the year). I will love my limited that is coming but Hubby really wanted the sport. Thanks for posting akirby
  5. Very nice - I will have my new 11 by the end of September hopefully.
  6. I got my window sticker printed off too! I almost can't stand it. I am driving my hubby crazy with telling him what I am finding out on here. He never thought I would be a car junky, but I have never had a car that I was this excited about. I am with you Luvford - I drove the 2010 also - will keep everyone posted.
  7. Who is this all knowing Waldo - You have the best information. Thank you for sharing.
  8. I have a build date of August 30 with an estimated delivery at the end of September. I ordered July 23th in Alaska. Woo Hoo. Now to hoping that the date doesn't slip.
  9. Where are you a dealer? My dealer won't tell me crap, but my options are limited. sigh...
  10. And as a side note - I am hoping for the day you can order directly from Ford also - I really am not enjoying my dealership options here and don't want to spend the extra money to order from out of state to get some one else.
  11. Awesome - I do know it is a priority 10 - but being in Alaska - I would guess allocation amounts are low for all our dealerships. Hope I was early enough on the list for ordering. I will try to be patient, but it isn't one of my strengths, especially as I am currently driving my Grandpa's saturn when my husband and I have to have a second car. I miss my 99 escort already. Thanks both of you.
  12. So, what do we ask? I "ordered" one on 7/23 from my dealer - got a copy of the DORA, but still no confirmation or VIN number? CRC even called the dealership for me to try and help me find out info on the status. She was told that they have not gotten any information back from Ford and it can take up to 45 days for that and then 45 days till the car is actually done. Is there a way to find out if one dealership is better than the other as far as special orders are concerned? I love all the info I am getting from this forum. Thank you to everyone that passes on info.
  13. I just contacted the CRC and the lady I spoke too was amazingly helpful. Even contacted my dealer to try to get more info. Alas - nothing in the system yet for a VIN number or a build date. I ordered 7/23/10 and she said it could take almost 90 days to get to me from the order date. I am hoping that it will be way less than that. I am so excited to get this car! Thanks for everyone's amazing info on this forum, it has been very helpful.
  14. I ordered July 23rd also and just found out it could take 45 days to just get a VIN number and could be another 45 days to get it after that. I will keep hoping that it is sooner than that...
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