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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. So - now that these are showing up and some people are lucky enough to be getting their Edge, lets start tracking tricks or quirks that you are finding with starting to set and drive these beauties. Congrats to everyone who has already gotten theirs and for the rest of us, may their pictures and stories hold us till ours get here.
  2. drool drool drool..... These pic's make me so happy - I am so excited about mine coming now. I am so excited for you. Please give us a report tomorrow how you feel about it.
  3. So awesome! so very jealous... I am starting to wonder if I can take three more weeks till mine is supposed to be here.... But enjoy and keep us informed on how you like it.
  4. wow - what a nice friend - while they let me borrow it too? I am getting to borrow my gramps' stinkin Saturn with Handicap plates (which could come in handy). Still better than nothing, but yuck chevy
  5. WOO HOO! so happy for you! :happy feet:
  6. I think we might all be losing our minds... I am thinking it is an interpretation thing. especially the 'ramp' and a side note that isn't really important.... but she... not he.... Hubby never thought I would get into picking out a car, has been laughing at me telling him what I find on here - till this morning when I finally scored a pin - now he isn't laughing. I love all of you folks though - and I look forward to continue following this forum.
  7. Joanne could be seeing that it is on a ramp to the second upfitters. I don't know how they are doing it that they get different info - but I think there needs to be a big shout out to these folks for helping us out with any info. It is all more than our dealers seem to be doing (with a few exceptions). I am very grateful for their help. I know I would be going even more crazy with wondering where it was.
  8. Joanne could be seeing that it is on a ramp to the second upfitters. I don't know how they are doing it that they get different info - but I think there needs to be a big shout out to these folks for helping us out with any info. It is all more than our dealers seem to be doing (with a few exceptions). I am very grateful for their help. I know I would be going even more crazy with wondering where it was.
  9. Well good luck Wilsons66604 - maybe we will get ours about the same time!
  10. Well either way - I haven't heard from my sales guy since the 1st telling me it was supposed to be built that week. Nothing following up saying it was or wasn't. I am hoping for the west coast by monday and maybe on a boat before the end of next week. fingers crossed. Where is your going?
  11. Mine was in North Dakota at 2am central time - so maybe all the way to the west coast by Monday (it seems to be a very slow train or something) - then on a boat (these are slow I know almost a week from Seattle to Anchorage on it) so it is chugging along. Woo Hoo! I want my new baby NOW!
  12. Interesting - I got still in production from JoAnne today and passing North Dakota on a train from cyberdman. Maybe it is just how much one wants to dig on info for you... I think both are great and I agree that I would rather give them commissions.
  13. I was counting on them not being good in serious snow. I went with the limited with 18's so that if I ended up wanting studs I could get them. 22's are limited in options for good snow tires. My hubby wanted me to just committe to spending money on a set up 18 rims and snow tires for winter and go with the sport. He really wants the paddle shifters - I am just finally getting rid of a manual transmission so I wanted nothing to do with shifting even if my choice. I wouldn't have any idea what type of snow situation you have in NY, but wasn't willing to deal with it in AK.
  14. AMEN on Amazon! I don't know if I would have gotten it any faster but my choices were "plain evil" "less evil" or "three hour drive" or further or out of state (very common to do in Alaska) I am really hoping for a pin because I want to give them as little commission as possible.
  15. You can also post on the blueoval forum - but they are not private messages - it is still someone doing it as an extra to their "real" work so be nice. Your dealer gets a report weekly, but I have heard that they can get the same info we are getting from twitter or the forum, but at least my sales guy doesn't even have the time to call me on a regular basis. The only thing I wish with ordering this car is that I wasn't locked to the dealership. I am tempted to have a different sales person write up the final. They deserve the commission as much as the one that is supposed to be helping me.
  16. Congrats on your new ride - if you didn't already - there is a thread tracking what people are getting - it is in the 2011 edge forum - and there is just a great support group if you just want virtual pats on the back for getting your car already. Post pic's if you can. Anxiously waiting in Alaska....
  17. I had pretty much the same thought Wilson - But if you are driving in New York and not worried about any back road or weather or the possibility of towing - I would think harder about the sport. I just don't think the Sport was designed as a sport use car - I think of it as a cool big city car.
  18. @MV - I am curious to know what you think of the Earth Metallic - I almost ordered it but couldn't tell enough about the color on my computer and no other cars in that color in the area to see first. I went with Bordeaux Red which I am excited about - Almost all of my previous cars have been shades of blue so I know what you mean about a change. I went with the limited with 18's also so I didn't have to get different winter tires in Alaska too. My hubby wanted me to get the Sport and just get a second set of wheels and tires for winter.
  19. contact your dealer. They can check on a weekly basis.
  20. Isn't it grand? I had to burn a cd for the stupid Saturn. (I am grateful someone is letting me borrow it so that I could order the car I wanted, but still)
  21. Ordered mine 7/23 was built the week of Aug 30 - now on a slow train heading west to be put on an even slower boat heading north. Might have it in a couple of weeks.
  22. we got my Gramps to get one so he could watch baseball games on it - he loves it. Of course my four year old fights him for it too. She is better with it than the rest of us. We definitely are an "i" family... I am really excited to be able to just hook up the ipods rather than try to find a station that works to transmit too. I am driving a saturn right now that I can't get a station to work with the ipod. Just one more thing about the car to annoy me. I can't wait to get back to driving a Ford.
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