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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. I have probably two more weeks before mine gets here... so PLEASE keep posting pic's and giving feed back. I will be lost without you all while waiting. And I need at least one YAHOO when mine gets here from someone.
  2. Thanks - it isn't too bad - I actually think the vertical of it is nice. Hadn't thought of that aspect of it, but it is cool. Hopefully only two more weeks. I think I can hold on to my sanity that long.
  3. I preferred the dash of the sport - the materials used on it. It really came down to the big tires of the sport or the wood of the limited. The wood didn't cost me more money in winter tires and the sport would have. If that is the only negative - great. And it isn't terrible just not my taste.
  4. Those all sound like things that I am counting on having issues with anyway. Just the learning curve of so many options. Glad to hear it is awesome to drive.
  5. You had to have 10 posts - you only had 8 I wonder why they locked it?
  6. Some day it will be here and I will definitely post some pic's. Hopefully there won't be snow when I take them, but there won't be much green left around. I am sure the wood looks fine - just am not super fan of it. It looks like there is just the right amount of it.
  7. Yep - that is my opinion - I just don't really like any of them. But it isn't a ton in the car so if that is the only negative to the car - I will take it.
  8. If all of you men would get your own purse man bags - us wives could stop carrying purses big enough for your stuff too... I keep ending up with the garmin in my purse - that isn't mine....
  9. Luvford - you are rocking up the pictures for all of us still waiting. Thanks for continuing to fill us in on how it is going! I also love the use of the craft mat
  10. What type of winter conditions? Some amount of snow on the roads for 4 months or just snow on the roads for a few hours?
  11. As he stated - Quebec requires winter tires - not just AWD. If you are going to have to do winter tires, why not go with FWD?
  12. I gave you the link to the forum that you are able to ask for help tracking your vin.
  13. I would like them to stop using wood of any real or fakeness - that was really the one down fall of the Edge - but it was across all lines. I like it typically makes a car look dated and old. Luvford - I would love to see a better quality pic just like the one you took. Either way - not turning the car down because of it. Just was asking.
  14. Start bugging your dealer - you should have a VIN and be able to get some info on status of this car. Good luck - they are showing up everywhere everyday.
  15. Wow - that might be the longest delay I have seen on an order process. Good luck on getting that anytime soon. The link will update eventually with the sticker.
  16. Yeah I agree about the tires. Actually a little disappointed on the tread for "all weather" I guess they mean all weather except any snow. We will have to see about them lasting. If I end up having to winter tires and snow tires I will never hear the end of it about the sport. Oh my oh my. The pictures are awesome. I am really grateful at the quality of everyones pictures. The other part that I am wondering - how does the "wood" look on the limited? I am still so excited I could almost scream.
  17. If you read through some of the threads on the attached forum you might bet a better idea too - I ordered 7/23 - was given a build date of the week of 8/30 on or around 8/16... it has been in transit since the first or second of September... I should get it in the next couple of weeks, but I am getting it to Alaska so a little slower than most folks. http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?/forum/80-vehicle-locator-by-ford-employees/ Once you get your vin you can choose to start your own thread and ask for someone to try and track your car.
  18. Congrats and welcome - that is a great color. My hubby loves his F150 but is really looking forward to driving my edge that is coming too. They are awesome cars.
  19. I like the idea of the white tri -coat better than the black. Unless you are going for the look of it all blending together. I think it will be great. I have not seen any personal pics of it though. Good luck.
  20. I ordered 7/23 - it was built the week of 8/30... you will get yours faster since mine is still in transit to Alaska... but it is coming... 6-8 weeks seems to be pretty reasonable when you are close.
  21. You are doing it Manvin! congrats on the car and the working of the site. There should be something to "choose file" to attach photo's. I am terrible at giving directions on computer stuff. But if you aren't able to get pictures on - just keep us informed on how you like the ride. My car has made it to the Seattle area over the weekend so it is on its way to getting on the slow boat to Alaska. So excited I can barely stand it.
  22. Oh I want to cry for you... keep us posted what happens. Good luck
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