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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. Yeah - I never thought about it either REV... I finally remembered to look at the tires - the are Michelin somethings - 18's
  2. My dealer didn't even talk price or incentives with me when I ordered. He told me that was all done at time of the paperwork. Turns out if the car had come in when they said - (this week) I could have gotten another 500 off - I got it almost 2 weeks ago and I am ok with not getting it but having the car already.
  3. They are just cool looking lights to decorate the front of your car.
  4. Just have to get in the habit of turning on your headlights when you get in the car. Always a smart idea to have headlights on.
  5. My dealer had mine inside too - even let me pull it out. Only had 13 miles on it so I know that they didn't even take out test driving much. It was the first one they had gotten so I was a little surprised about that, but was really glad too. I think I might have finally found the sweet spot for my chair. It is amazing how many different ways you can adjust it. My old car was from or back and recline.
  6. Mine took two months to from order to delivery.
  7. I placed my order with my dealer the 23 of July - got it on the 24 of September. Got a VIN from my dealer on the 16th of August - with a scheduled build date of the week of the 20th of August...
  8. Not sure if this has been appropriately answered for you but, if you go to the ambient lighting color selection screen you'll notice a small power button in the bottom left corner. If you select that button it will toggle the ambient lighting on or off. I hadn't noticed that - but your headlights also have to be on.
  9. I agree - I wouldn't want to use it constantly - I was expecting something to retract as well, but can see how that would be hard with the seats reclining. I hope you are able to find a solution that works better for you.
  10. Yeah - we can have them Sept 15 through May 1 usually. It is often extended one direction or another. I spent some time in Eastern Washington and we had snow like that (where it went away) It was HEAVEN! and it was HOT in the summer. sigh.... I miss it. Job market is better here though. Might have to give into the hubby and get another set of rims and tires. Goodness he will enjoy rubbing it in. He wanted me to get the sport so that I had to get a set of winter tires. blah!
  11. Ok - just was starting to think maybe they were some made up Alaska thing (we do that with stuff... ) Thanks akirby
  12. I learned how to drive on s*@! roads so the moose are more my problem. I have come close to hitting more than I want. Are studded tires just an Alaska thing though? No one else seems to talk about those for winter.
  13. I understand that mentality or at least am familiar with seeing it. I would definitely say that I am not an aggressive driver in any situation. I have laughed for years that my little escort made it to work while 40 trucks and suv's did not. There were plenty of times though, that I ended up turning on flashers because I couldn't get going at a light. I hope that won't be a problem anymore.
  14. No - I wasn't driving an awd at the time but it was also summer. Turns out no matter how fast you hit a moose - you still pretty much loose. If I can accelarate around hitting it with the side of the car - I will take that option. Will the AWD help you stop with more control suddenly? (honest question, this is my first car with AWD) Do studded tires actually help or just good winter tires the better option. I was really hoping to get away from switching tires out twice a year, but will if needed.
  15. Because our back seats recline. I agree it isn't what I was expecting, but it will do its job hiding things from the 4 year old which is more what I was thinking of it for than as a leave up all the time thing.
  16. So Canuck ~ Just thought I would let you know that I washed my baby for the first time. I will only tell you that I did it myself with a hose (it is above freezing today), but I won't horrify you with any other details. Just be proud I did it myself and no drive through.
  17. Sadly - Moose are not a one in a million chance here - I had to swerve to miss one in an down town intersection a month a go - damn things need to learn to use the cross walks and go with the lights if they are going to be in town.
  18. choff1138


    Welcome and enjoy - I know there is a thread for Mods and such...
  19. This is the first time I have had a home link and I have always just put the garage door opener on the visor like the clip on it suggests... Never thought anything about it.
  20. Sandjunkie - will you send some In N Out up here? everytime you comment I miss Cali and my family - They are all around the Orange county area...
  21. Yep - I keep resting my palm too - I actually think it is pretty funny. - it is our own little habit breaker.
  22. Yeah SandJunkie - you just wait - there will be a special delivery snow ball coming your way. I have never had a car that I felt that I could get a way with just using winter tires, I have always had studded tires which were some type of winter tire, but I wouldn't be able to say what kind they were. I am really thinking that I will see how the first few snows go before deciding on what to do. If I do go to winter tires, it will be something with studs and I will be getting a set of rims (hopefully from the scrap yard to save money) so that they honey has a reason to play with the air compressor we HAD to have a few years back.
  23. That is cool - I have lived in Eagle River almost all my life ( my dad is retired airforce and was transfered here in the early 80's) By February I hate it, but whenever I think about moving - I can't think of anywhere as beautiful. I love the mountains. This picture is the view from my desk at work.
  24. No snow on the ground yet to try it out, but yes it is AWD. I have done the sub thing growing up - in fact - my mom, brothers, and I have manage to wear out a few, but I have driven a fwd escort the last 8 years up here and been fine. Looking forward to being able to see over/around snow burms this winter though. Snow is getting close - I will report as it happens.
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