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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. Well, we are all thinking alike at least. I could see it being a stupid apple/microsoft thing...
  2. So - I am wondering... I know that pictures have to be a certain size to be able to use them as wall paper. I am wondering if maybe this is why our contact pictures from our iPhone's aren't showing up? Maybe they are either too big? or they are the wrong format? Has anyone been successful at getting this to work?
  3. I have been saying for years that 72 was the perfect temp and no one believed me. I knew I loved Ford!
  4. There has been a mix of answers on that - I don't know if there has been a definitive "have done it and it works" answer. Let us know if you do it.
  5. My only major problem I have had in almost three weeks of having my car is the sirius stuff not all being enabled. I also haven't bothered much to try and fix it - it doesn't work in Alaska anyway. I haven't had to pull any fuses, no resets on my sync - my iphone 3gs has had nooooooo problems connecting or using phone features. I have an ipod nano that I leave connected through usb that has worked great. I find the times I try to push harder on "buttons" is because I am off a bit in the location. The emergency flashers haven't gotten me in a week or so, so getting better about not resting my hand. All in All - I love this car. I am guessing when you get yours you will find quirks at first too, but over all you will be happy with your selection.
  6. The only time I have had the fan kick on real high was getting in it around 35-40 degree temps and it was trying to get up to 70 - but that only lasted a few seconds and it calmed back down. In the morning driving out of our garage at home - the fan doesn't react to it going from a nice warm bed to the harsh cold outdoors. We have been having below freezing in the morning but been just fine. Loving the heated seats though. ooo laa laaa
  7. if you press and hold the forward or back button's it fast forwards or reverses just like it would on your ipod. the key is to keep holding - if you tap it will just advance. The rest I don't know yet.
  8. I have mine set to 70f and it seems to be just right. Some mornings it tends to blow a bit of cooler air right as we pull out of the garage, but it quickly stops. It is hard to test the validity of the outside temp since every temp sign I go past is different and we can have a range of ten degrees from the "official" temp spot and where I usually am. Seems pretty close though.
  9. Congrats, yes - I think we all wish there weren't front plates with this car. If you special ordered it and didn't ask for front plate brackets, some people have been able to get the dealer to order you a new grill. Or someone got the painted grill to match the car that looks pretty sweet. We have front plates in Alaska so out of luck for me. Oh well. What color are you keeping your ambient lighting on. My daughter has picked green though if she isn't going to be in the car with me for a while I switch back to purple. I love that feature too. Welcome to the club!
  10. I have had it happen I think twice, but it was always right before turning off the car. When I come back it is fixed. Seems like a typical microsoft freeze thing.
  11. Congrats and enjoy. It is a beauty
  12. Pictures have to be a specific size and format - not directly from your camera. DVD - buy a cheap dvd player and you will be good. I don't think it plays dvd's at all - not in park or otherwise...
  13. Wow - what type of time frame was that? days hours? I think the worst we had specifically where I am is about three feet in a 24 hour period. We don't get the drifts as much as other parts of the state. Anchorage tends to be one of the more temperate/mild areas so not the major extremes of Barrow or such. But we are officially to longer nights than days, only 10 1/2 hours of daylight (if the sun comes out which it hasn't today) I haven't been to Colorado, but so far there is nothing like Alaska. I get the itch to get out, then go crazy and have to come back. Anyway - this isn't supposed to be a thread about weather. We digress...
  14. Yep - snow in the forecast for tomorrow - I will keep everyone posted... just rain now so might get to test ice in the morning.
  15. Currently 1pm and only 37 degrees - our high is supposed to be 40 - low 29... Fahrenheit of course..
  16. Oh my! I have to get a second bucket now? (do you hear me chuckling at my lack of knowing how to wash a car?) But dirt settles and I just get the suds from the top of the bucket, won't that work? I am going to try to be better! we do have the correct mitt - and I will get the right towels.... but I am pretty sure I am done washing it myself for the winter. TOO COLD already.
  17. Oh Waldo - we are just a couple of northern exposures now talking about moose... we know what you meant. It is ok....
  18. People might actually pay attention to that security. I know up here no one even looks around at an alarm going off. All an alarm tells me is that the neighbor is being an idiot again and can't get into her car correctly (she sets her alarm off at least once a week for the past two years same car)
  19. Wow - are odds are a lot better - survival rate anyway.. Car/truck and moose loose, but most people survive. Stay safe as snow comes and the moose are more likely to be on the road.
  20. I need to make friends with a detailer in Alaska... I know I am not up for doing that kind of work, but would love someone else to take care of it for me... Those pics are amazing Canuck
  21. Yep my 11 year old escort was still getting around 30... I knew I was giving up milage.
  22. So... really that hard to build your own? If so I can send you mine. I kind of do spreadsheets for a living, but it is nothing fancy.
  23. Two fill ups and I am getting about 18 and change... I am hoping it gets better. I think we already have the winter gas in which seems to make mileage worse. (And auto starts) And I have the AWD...
  24. I started the same type of spreadsheet for my new 2011 - but hadn't thought about keeping track of what the car says I was getting. I figured that wasn't totally accurate anyway. It will be interesting to see how mine will turn out. I drive about 40 miles a day round trip with it being about half highway half city. But I love my remote start in the winter.
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