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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. Only if you are going to hit someone in your blind spot.
  2. Only the dealer knows that - And really for the right price most people will do anything. How much is the white worth to you?
  3. I drove our truck today and it has them and I hate them. Drive me crazy. Have them be auto dimming like your rearview mirror, that would be helpful.
  4. No weirdness - only undocumented features.
  5. It depends on so many things - mine took 8 weeks to the day - some people have been longer or shorter depending on when ordered or where located. Check with your dealer on their current allocations, what type of priority they will put on this order, what may be out of stock or shortage at the plant... Good luck
  6. Another microsoft "feature" sticking it to us Mac users...
  7. I tried to confirm if my issue was the same as everyone else's which I am pretty sure it is, but Sirius just says that because I am in AK that is what is causing my problem.
  8. I would have gone for the Lincoln if it had the Edge grill too.
  9. If you live in a place where it is dark half the year it is also nice to just let in any sunlight that is available. I don't close the shade often. I have found my daughter loves to ride in the back looking up at the stars or clouds or whatever is up. Totally worth it. Also - with the shade open it gives you another inch or so of headroom if you are just about to where you would bump your head otherwise.
  10. Welcome STL - you will find some great info and people here.
  11. I noticed that if I just shut my door when I get home the screen will stay on till.... (not sure don't stay and watch), but if I lock the door, the screen powers right off. I like the undocumented feature.
  12. I know the MKX has the heated steering wheel...
  13. I didn't have to do anything to my USB ports... my ipod has worked great in it. Sounds like maybe a check needs to be done on yours.
  14. If you have the power lift for the back - it says not to drive with the door open even tied down.... I have no idea if it would fit or not... that is what the 150 is for. How is that grandbaby?
  15. Pictures are awesome. enjoy and keep us posted how it goes.
  16. Inside the center console and seems like just about everywhere. I love it.
  17. I stopped at the wheels... and the adaptive cruise control... but can't imagine being that disciplined. The Edge with anything is awesome so it will be enjoyed.
  18. I think this is the first full sync module replacement that I have heard of. I am hearing more good with a few unfortunate duds. All of the duds seem to be having different reasons for being duds, so it seems more good than bad. Good luck and keep us informed.
  19. Oh ok... it gave me a shutting down in 5....4.....3....2.....1 with no abort option. I took it as a sign to go to bed. It was time.
  20. I had this the first night - sitting in the garage playing with stuff with the accessory mode.
  21. I got 174 x 104 - it is what came up with the 2011 edge today...
  22. Bummer way to start - but better right as you were leaving the dealership than a few days later. I haven't had any problems with power steering. Hope it is all running great now.
  23. I actually took all the options from all the models and got it into a spreadsheet and figured out what features I "had" to have and picked that way.
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