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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. That is true Trisha - there are few cars driving around now that I feel inferior too. Of course - the really nice cars go away for the winter up here.
  2. What is broken? does your screen specifically not work below freezing? that isn't design wide issue - it hasn't gotten above freezing here in a week and I have had no problems with my screen. Don't make blanket statements about the quality of something when you are having an isolated issue.
  3. So I am really bad at converting between systems... but 2c is just above freezing right? It has been about 15f this week as I am leaving work and the car has been parked outside all day - touch screen worked immediately upon starting - no auto start used. calm down....
  4. You assume that the person twitter is someone more that an lowly paid pr person who might actually have a clue what is broken. OF COURSE they will blame your phone, but they can't tell you what is wrong. If you are so set on it being a software issue, go to your dealer and have them reinstall the current software out there. Some of us have no problems so the software isn't as defective as you making it out to be. GADS..
  5. Woo Hoo! come on Iphone users... sing it proud. Wilson - try a different phone and prove to yourself that you continue having the same issues. It isn't your iphone breaking your car... your car has something faulty in it.
  6. I never saw where it said it would work perfectly with an Iphone - or what phone it would work perfectly with. I honestly never asked either. I saw the system was powered by microsoft and said to myself... "self - Microsoft is going to use this as there chance for apple kicking their ass with the ipod/zune - operating systems in general... and now taking over the phone market. I bet my iphone won't be the best choice." Again. MY IPHONE DOES NOT REBOOT MY SYSTEM - NEVER HAS!!!! IT ISN'T YOUR PHONE CAUSING YOUR SYSTEM TO REBOOT!
  7. WHY are you so convinced that it is your phone causing the reboot?
  8. To be honest - I am rather impressed that microsoft was willing to make as system that even parts of an apple product works on. I wouldn't have been surprised it they made something in it that made the plain ol' ipod not work. I realize that you are frustrated with your system not working correctly - but I want you to finally acknowledge that not everyone is having the number of problems you are an that maybe you are in the minority with issues... There is a chance that a software update isn't going to fix your problems. Didn't you say that you had a blackberry too? how was that working with your system? As with anything or anyone, I get very tired of griping and not doing anything to try and fix the situation. - Griping on here isn't fixing your situation. Give you dealership the chance to fix it - maybe they will find your own unit is bad? Maybe the software needs to be completely reinstalled. Try a different phone - maybe you will find one that works. But just saying over and over Ford screwed up accomplishes nothing. They didn't screw up - they went forward with a new product and some people unfortunately are having issues. Do you have an Iphone 4? do you continue to hold it pinky up so that you don't drop your call? No company or product is 100% perfect and any new technology has higher bug rates. Ok, stepping back off my box. I just feel bad for people looking on this forum for information about the car either looking to buy it, or already got one and they just hear the bad. I know that everyone on this forum does not have a completely screwed up system. I am proof of that.
  9. It might as it is all Microsoft - but how great is it going to be as a phone? Personally I am not in my car so much that I would have the phone work best while in the car rather than in my office or house... I guess, if I spent all day in the car I might feel differently but really it is only about 30 minutes twice a day...
  10. Mine works reliably - I have not hooked up USB yet - Never had to re-pair it to sync it has not caused any random reboots. I am starting to think you may need a whole new unit installed in your car - it may not be a software issue. But I guess we won't know till there is an update to get you to take it into the dealer.
  11. How often do you feel bad for the person driving one of the previous year Edge's? I see them and feel bad that they are pretty cool, but just not quite as cool as me.
  12. Sabia - take everything you hear on here with a grain of salt. Yes there are people having problems and have legitimate grips with the fact that there are no fixes. There are also people that the worst they have is that their Iphone contact photo's don't show up in the phone book and it won't read a text if it comes in. Both today are great big boo hoo cry me a river. Would it be fun and cool, sure, but it will get there. I don't believe that Apple is plain refusing to work with Ford/Microsoft on this. It may not be going at the speed we as users would like but when do new gadgets ever come as fast as we want. The touch screen is not an iphone - but it is similar to a garmin. Good luck - I hope your system works as it should and if it does that you stick around the forum to even out the working to nonworking ratio...
  13. I am in Alaska - snow snow snow.... Keeping my all weather Michalin's 18's that came with the car. Been driving on snow and ice for about two weeks and no problems. Handles great.
  14. I haven't gotten any of the generic displays unless I don't have any album art assigned to it - then it just shows a music note.
  15. BAHHHHHH - I want this! I got the Edge though. I guess my next car will be upgraded to the Lincoln version.
  16. Its on Thursdays now - but you should check it out... if you are the computer nerd you say you are - you might get a kick out of it. It is our favorite show so yes... the car is named for Sheldon.
  17. I just spent 20 minutes on the phone with my dealership "sync" guy trying to find out about this update. He was able to get into my sync history and confirmed that there is nothing that needs to be updated. He looked at what the update said and was looking in the PTS system and didn't see any updates available. I would recommend calling and really talking to the service department before rushing in. He also was able to read a note listing off all of the issues that I have seen on here as "known issues" that are being worked on. Good luck everyone else...
  18. Mine is named BZNGA... even got the plates to match.
  19. This isn't a Ford driven forum and there is no tracking here. Talk to your dealer you are paying them to track and help you with your car purchase.
  20. Brother of whom ever - get a copy of your confirmation paperwork now. Better late than never.
  21. I am not sure if the sync travel features do traffic - I haven't played with it much and Sirius doesn't work in Alaska. Play around on www.syncmyride.com You might find info there.
  22. Thanks - Yes me too! it is one of my favorite shows. Personalized plates are extremely cheap in Alaska so it is more common than keeping regular issued ones. Just got them last night!
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