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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. Should have - but didn't - and already some there. Our truck is covered in them too - it is a car.
  2. I keep that deductible at $100 and glass company's pay that for you to get to bill my insurance. Living here in the land of cracked windshields and being safe drivers - these are the only claims we have luckily had to file.
  3. Yeah - I haven't tried yet for my Edge - but our F150 gets the OEM glass even with the f150 at the top....
  4. I keep that part of my deductible low and plan on a new windshield ever year or so. Lots of gravel used here in the winter - and chips by the time I notice have turned into full blown cracks. Here in AK you can watch specials and the repair place will pay your deductible and you are out nothing. Doesn't increase insurance rates. Don't know if that is true everywhere.
  5. Good luck on the trip! Congrats on the anniversary! And you will be home just in time for the insanity to hit the river... see you on the river - I am there most weekends of the summer.
  6. It is a nice drive - especially if you have the time and money to do it comfortably - and not as a broke just graduated moving home kid. Washington to AK in 4days 3 nights. Long days of driving a very full Jeep. I have heard the PCH is really nice too.
  7. He should be able to do the drive without having to change the oil during - maybe after depending on how dusty it is on the Alcan. Have a great drive up V - if you haven't done it before it is awesome till you get back in the state when you are just ready to be done. If you have questions - holler - I got mine from Kendall out in the valley - but had them order what I wanted. There are a few around town, but not many. Will be looking for you!
  8. On your left dash screen there is an option for Information (I think it is labeled) scroll through that and you will fine the oil life thing. I have 8k miles on mine and it is still at 45% or so. Will get it changed soon.
  9. choff1138


    Still cool. Starting to get into the low 50's during the day. Air is very clean now that we have gotten a bit of rain to wash the dust down. Nothing like SoCal air.
  10. choff1138


    I just did a nice highway road trip for the first time and got 24 mpg with my AWD limited. I think summer gas might be out now? Still getting a steady 20 driving around town with some highway.
  11. I wouldn't be confident in this post's use of year of the model year or any dates. The post was from 12/13/10 talking about ordering in April 2011 and received the car in July2011. I am sure there is a way to get them turned on, but not every car has to be set up to work the same way. Good luck with getting the car and a trip though.
  12. I think you remember me pushing for man purses...
  13. It is interesting how the placement of the parking brake being a foot break and really broken my habit of setting it when getting out. I was always good about it with my escort, but the only time I remember now is if I am parked on an incline. And of course - the first time I set it, when I went to release it, I popped the hood instead. Couldn't get the hood fully released or closed all the way. Felt like the female driver that causes the stereo types. Got home and spent time figuring out exactly how to pop it completely and get it closed. GADS!
  14. I have my fob tossed all willy nilly in my purse and have yet to pop my hatch or set off the alarm or any other button activity... Wilson has been having button problems since the fall. MoveOver has been wanting a fob cover also... Maybe it is time for the Men folk to finally get together and make one and sell online?
  15. choff1138

    Oil Change

    Yeah - we have 7500 and the reminder thing is still about 50% - I figure we will do it soon.
  16. drive thru... just because it is faster than turning it down...
  17. It is still hard for me to press on the brakes and let the ABS do its thing. I was taught to pump the breaks and that is what I still want to do. I remember vividly my first ABS experience and freaking out - letting go of everything... It worked out, but scared my passenger pretty bad since they knew what was going on and couldn't figure out what I was doing. I don't think I have had them go off on dry pavement before though -
  18. Definitely feel it, but can't remember now if I actually heard it - or you just think you do? They seemed to kick on easier than our truck's, but the tires are different and hard to compare. But I drove on some nasty ice/snow this winter and always felt confident. I am almost to 7500 miles.
  19. All winter long - works great. Feels different then the ones in our f150, but great.
  20. I have an ipod touch 32 gig (not totally full) using original apple cord, and running v1.8. I have not had any problems with syncing. I do not plug and unplug the ipod very often though. Good luck
  21. Does your radio not turn back on when you get off the phone? My volume turns off when I get a call or make a call - but turns back up as soon as the call is ended.
  22. I don't have a sport, but an 11 limited AWD - and I love it. I have had it since September and still on version 1.8 - no updates done since none have been needed yet. Best of luck with yours.
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