I have a 2009 Ford Edge and I drive very little. I have only 8600 miles on it. I really like the car, but am very frustrated with it and am sorry now I bought an American car.
The problem started after I had the oil and filter changed for the first time recently. I will go to start the car and I can turn the key and the various lights will come on, but the car won't start. I have taken the key out, tried again and nothing. I have tried stepping on the gas and turning the key, stepping on the break and nothing, turning the wheel and nothing happens. We have checked the connections to the battery and they look good.
I have had it to 1 mechanic and the dealership and they both tell me it is a brand new car and they can find nothing wrong with it. It seems to me it is something electronic. Why else will the key turn in the ignition and the instrument panel lights will come on, but the engine won't turn over?
I am so frustrated I am thinking of trading the car in!
If Ford doesn't know what is wrong with the car, what can I do?
Does anyone know what the problem could be or how I can get Ford to fix the problem? I feel like I am doing all the work here and they just shrug their shoulders and tell me the car is fine.
Usually, after 3 - 10 tries, the car will start. But it is very scary when I am miles away from home alone with the stupid car that won't work.
Any suggestions on this problem?
Thank you!