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Everything posted by ontheedge
We are just implying that the edge has just got more tendency to roll than normal and that if you are on a slight incline ether way and have to go from brake to gas "Quickly" it rolls quite a bit, because some people will ride right upon your butt at a stop sign or light. I have owned more cars than most people, and have never had one roll so easily. And let me just state that their are people on here that will argue (Dispute) about anything and I just don't understand that, try helping people sometimes it will make the world a better place to live, and I am sorry if some of you want to just live with a vehicle that cost so much and ignore the issues with it like they just don't exist because they do, so I guess it is like the old saying people will defend anything that they over pay for so they don't look like dummies for buying it.
fitz, Thanks, and yes their are a lot of Immature people on these forums so I just ignore them. fitz, I also had the rollback ( And forward ) problem and it is on all of them. This was mentioned in a review that I read on the web and the guy that did the review said he had even let his roll forward by mistake while testing it and that he hit some bushes and scratched it up, he said that Ford needed to address the issue. My wife said it felt like driving a stick shift because you have to ether hold the brake all the time or keep a slight pressure on the gas pedal or you will roll forward are backwards into something.
Hello all, I was just reading the updated post and noticed some were also having the BAMR rattle. Ok, now get this, when they so call fix the rattle it is by adding Velcro and double sided sticky tape, believe me it is on my work order. And it still rattled. What kind of patch work are they trying to get by with? Also when they pull the headliner out check closely around the moonroof openings for the sag it causes when it is removed and re-installed, Look under the back small moonroof area were the dome light is and you will see the wiring harness is dangling with glue all over it were it used to be mounted to the head liner but isn't anymore. Again, I have Ford engineer tech support papers that I can e-mail anyone that states that they are having alignment issues with the 18" wheels & tires & suggesting me to buy and try a known good set of 17" wheels and tires to see if it would correct my drift problem. My lawyer loved this one. LoL ( It's a design issue ) Listen there was no bigger Ford fan than I until all this took place, so I am no Ford basher (Well maybe now). Everyone having these same type problems just open your eyes and lets make some noise, Ford and the dealerships service Dept's are both treating us like we should just shut up and go away. Don't have to worry about mine any longer because I traded it in :hyper: :happy feet: But I would still like to help anyone who would like any of the information I have and documents I possess. Here is just part of the document About the tires. And notice how things seem to change from one hour to the next.
Thanks fitz, I also really liked the Edge, but it just had so many problems not just the drifting issue. When you get your car back just pay close attention to the steering and make sure it has good feedback from the steering wheel because the fix they do reduces caster in the alignment, made mine wonder all over the road. Also listen for a pop/thump in the front end when you make a sharp turn from a stop & go Drive it for a week or so before you come to any conclusion it has been fixed because they rotate the tires around to make it track straighter, and driving it lets the tires set/ware back to the cars stance/posture.
Hello everyone I have not posted in awhile, but I just had to when I read fitz and hamman's posts, yes you both probably have a Lemon, I can not say to much right now because I am in a Lemon Law case of my own against Ford and have been instructed not to comment a lot. (Go back and review my older post). Everyone who has had a drift/pull and has had it fixed, did you notice after service did the TSB repairs the vehicle seemed to wonder all over the road like it has no steering feedback anymore and it still drifts some to the right? It seems to change dramatically with the Temperature of the tires and the different speeds you drive at. (Any how, incredibly unsafe) This drift issue is a big problem for the Ford Edge and everyone needs to expose Ford on the way they are ignoring the issue. (Calling it normal drift/Pull, What is normal about that, and who made/set the standards? Pure bull).. I have finally gotten rid of mine, I just could not let my wife drive it with it wondering all over the road and jeopardizing her safety and the safety of the kids any longer. (Traded it in on a 2007 Toyota Tundra 4x4 and that was the best move I have ever made and also it is the first time I have ever turned my back on Ford since I was 16, I am now 46). Goodbye Lemon, farewell Ford. If anyone needs any information I have, I will be glad to help.. (Let's talk)
Mine FWD, Steal having problems, I will post soon.
xplorgee, by the way what month and year was yours built in?
Yes, good luck to you xplorgee and thanks for your concern. :beerchug:
I just got back from picking my Edge up from the dealership. All right where should I start? I do have to admit the right drift is a little better but not fixed, it still pulls to the right, worse at higher speeds. ( So I am taking it back again, third time) They scratched my drivers side front quarter panel pretty bad and I showed it to the general manager and he told me that when I bring it back in next week to let the service manager look at it. They did fix the rear passenger back seat "EasyFold" Electro-mechanical release auto fold feature. They did not get the bad rattle fixed in the BAMR, and they left about eight inches of the headliner hanging out untucked, and left scrap peaces of rubber in the back cargo area. (Got pictures) :unsure: They ordered the rear corner glass that was scratched and it was supposed to be there before I picked the car up but they said it would be a day or so because it had to come in from the vendor. So another trip back. They told me they would have the car cleaned and detailed when I picked it up but it had bug guts all over it. (And a scratch) They also sprayed something in the interior that I suppose was to make it smell good but it ruin t the new car smell and smelled like that crap they spray in a car at a car wash. I am suppose to drive it for a week and the lady from Ford ( My customer service rep), is going to call me and do a follow up on the repairs,Oh what a story I have for her. I am speechless, I do not know what to say, this seems like a nightmare. I don't know where to turn, the dealership is telling me to not listen to the Ford rep. and the Ford rep tells me it is up to the dealership and the zone manager to get this mess straight or replace my car. Oh yes they did not give me a repair order today because they said it was still open for the rear window repair so I don't know if any parts were used on the supposed front alignment repair yet, I will let everyone know when I get the repair order. Any help would be appreciated. :unsure:
DrEvil, I am not arguing that they don't try to adjust them only that they have tried this twice already with mine and say that it is in 0% tolerance and every check they have says it is in perfect alignment but it still pulls to the right. And again not just my opinion but the service techs and the Ford rep who has driven it along with several others.
xplorgee, I just wrote and was wondering the same thing. The parts listed would not change a thing as far as I'm concerned. If it did by chance, does this mean we will be driving cars that have been altered from the original? Don't settle for any pull, that's what they are hoping you will do. These cars should have no pull at all on a flat surface and very little on the hwy. It will eat a set of radial tires in no time. Sounds like a patch to me... If it is a fix and nothing was wrong with ours doesn't that mean they should have a recall and change all of them with new nuts from these fine people?
DrEvil, I have talked to the Ford service techs, now for over 3 weeks and they have been working with the Ford engineers and they have not mentioned any kind of parts replacement options to repair this problem. And I am no mechanical engineer but I am a Electronics Engineer and I believe a nut PART NUMBER PART NAME W712555-S439 Flag Bolts (2 Req) W520216-S440 Strut to Knuckle Nut (2 Req) W520212-S440 Upper Strut Mount Nut (4 Req) W520214-S440 Stabilizer Bar Link Nut (1 Req) is considered a fastener and that would have no bearing on a suspension alignment, What would changing some nuts do? (In all probability this TSB # is 07-7-6 and it's components are all stock parts if the truth be known). I also believe that you guys who have had the problem and believe it is fixed will find out different on your next tire rotation or tire purchase because I have been given some pretty stupid repair suggestions from the Techs, and engineers, just temporary fixes to get you off the real issue. Look at it this way, Why are so many people having this same problem if it isn't something that happened in production? (Like maybe a chassis that may not be Straight,strut towers misaligned or mounting holes for the struts drilled offset, who knows?) I hope you all don't go off blindly trusting in Ford to have your backs, if so just do some Ford research on the other stuff they have ignored and pushed off for the customer to take care of. Let's all face it, they have a problem and it is up to us to uncover it. (Not to sound mellow dramatic or anything). Don't accept these alignments, at least till we are given a explanation on why they needed them in the first place and explain to us how it fixed the problem, and if everything is going to be ok the next time your Edge needs an alignment at your local tire shop. ( Does the alignment leave room for future alignments? And if so, will the local alignment shop be able to handle it or will they have to call a Ford engineer). See what I mean? (WAKE UP PEOPLE)!!! This is serious, please protect yourselves and your investment. By the way the dealership called me today and said mine will be ready tomorrow most likely, so again we will see, I will not take or accept any half B.S. fixes or excuses myself. I will keep writing updates..
audiomidiman, I will be picking mine back up 7-5-07 or 7-6-07, they say they have fixed mine as well but we shall see. This time with more lies they said that a Rep. drove it after they adjusted the other side to make the right side stop drifting and he said it drove as good as his Lincoln MKX. (Again an adjustment from the engineers) What a joke, who are these engineers? And engineers at what? They refuse to admit they have a problem. Whats up with this crap? They are determined to fix the car any way they can even if it means rigging it and not telling the truth. We need to all ban together (Us with the drifting Problem) and demand answers or give us our money back. I am tired of all this Ford cover up crap. By the way my Edge has been in the shop since June 18-07 :angry2:
Thanks, Bryce
Bryce if you think you may have this pull to the right go drive another Edge and you will be able to see that if you are in a good one no pull is noticeable at all and they should not be. I have driven about six with no pull at all. Maybe someone if they will, that works at the factory that is on the forum may know something that we don't.
Bryce, The pull is very bad at times when you have a crown but bad enough to be dangerous at all times. Again even the engineer said it is bad. I don't want anyone to think I am one of these people who is nit picky and like to complain and I normaly don't but this is just more than I can bare. I also have other issues I have not even listed here, Like the compass sensor fell off as soon as I left the lot the day I purchased the car , the right rear seat would not let down with the automatic feature, the Vista Roof drive belt is rattling in the roof. I only had the car for about 4 days,been in the shop since. I hope no one else has these problems...
6-26-07 Ok, a lot has happened since my last post but nothing really that is going to solve my issue. Ford sent their field engineer to the dealership to take a look at the Edge and he agreed that the pull to the right was not acceptable but he had no cure so he is going back to Ford to talk with more engineers to see if they can come up with a fix, again what BS... The engineer is suppose to be back sometime this week to again try to fix the problem. (All Bull) I have contacted Ford Motor Co. and talked with a lady that they have assigned as my personal customer satisfaction officer and she said that they had one more chance to fix the car before they would consider replacing the Ford Edge, I told her I have rights and do not want a car that has been modified different than original but she kept saying that Ford has a right to repair the car according to their limited warranty before they even consider giving me another Edge. What a joke they don't even know what is wrong with the car in the first place, again pure bull.. (Where is customer satisfaction? Where is customer rights?) Oh, I know,! it is called the Lemon law and I have talked to a lawyer and he said to let them set their own trap, so we shall see. I have always been a loyal Ford fan but since this has happen it has opened my eyes and I have been reading a lot about the horror stories about this company and how they treat their customers, from the Ford Pinto to their sparkplug spitting and turbo blowing F-250 truck line, seems they don't want to fess up to none of their mishaps... Just let the customer suffer with it, customers forget, I believe is Fords philosophy. (Or do customers forget? Maybe that is why you are struggling Ford!!!) I will write again when I get more info..
6-22-07 Just got back from the Ford dealership and once again more lies, the engineer that was supposed to be there today was not there but will be sometime next week they say. All the service men at the dealership said they agreed with me that Ford had a problem with no solution and they will back me when I talk to Ford's reps next week, to make them see that they should replace my Edge. I will keep you all informed
I have mine in the shop now and have talked to a ford rep. and there are no parts to fix this problem even called ford direct, they also tried to adjust mine twice with no change to the pull, then started telling me it may be a problem with the Edge and the 18" wheels and tires and I may be able to go with a set of known good 17" wheels and tires to correct the problem, What kind of BS*@$%^& is this from Ford? (I have transcripts from Ford to the mechanic to document this.) I am still in the process of trying to make them replace my Edge or giving my money back. The tech told me there is no caster adjustment on this vehicle so the hot-line told him to do the adjustment by loosening the lower strut brackets and messing around with that and if that didn't work to try to swap the tires front to back and side to side, What BS... Ford has a big issue with this and does not want to admit it, they don't want any recalls on the car that is supposed to put them back on the map in the car manufacturing business. They are flying a Ford engineer down tomorrow to take a look at it but what can he do? There is no adjustments or any parts right know that can permanently fix the problem. Talked to a local mechanic and he said the only way they will be able to fix them correctly is to produce a new lower control arm with an offset to correct this. Also I have a theory about which units are affected, I think it is the units that were made before Jan-07 I read somewhere not to buy an Edge built before Jan-07 period.. Don't listen to the lies about a fix, it is total bull and it is a temporary solution.(At least till you go get your next set of tires and the problem will reappear). I will keep you all posted, I will be talking to the Rep. and the engineer tomorrow, if I find out anything from these guys I will Post their names and contact info on here later..