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ben senise

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Everything posted by ben senise

  1. i was reading an article about the new corvette and they mentioned that the remote start doesn't work when the hood is open. of course it makes perfect sense since you wouldn't want to start the engine while someone has their hands in the engine bay. it's just something that i never thought of. i figured that would probably be the case on my '20 ST so i opened the hood and tried the remote start button. the engine did not start and the horn honked as it does if you leave a door or the liftgate ajar. there you go. a bit of trivia for today ? did anyone know this already?
  2. I always fill my tires with a mix of 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. It works very well.
  3. not sure who that question was directed to but i'll answer. in BC, we haven't been on "lock down" for a while. at the moment we are not supposed to travel out of our medical care zone but they are large. only 4 or 5 in all of BC. Masks still required in stores or public places. restaurants were closed for indoor dining for a while but now they've been open for a couple of weeks. our new cases are down to well below 200 a day and deaths are in the single digits. my wife and i live out in a pretty rural area and we never really were affected by any restrictions. we just went shopping less often and stocked up more. we stayed home but still went out for walks on the beach or in the forests. but no dentist appointments since that's such a high risk activity but to be honest, i haven't asked what precautions our dentist is taking. we've both gotten our first vax and second should be in a couple of weeks. most friends are the same. the cities are a bit more hassle since sometimes you have to wait in line to get into a supermarket but people do that all the time to get into costco. now this was all in BC. don't know how the east is doing on a day-to-day basis other than the stats. Manitoba is having a rough time apparently. i think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. this summer might be a bit premature to drop all measures but hopefully we'll be close to normal next year.
  4. how about a cradle with a cable? i had this in my last edge and it was very convenient. just drop the phone in and pull it out. much better than fiddling with a cable. i got the pro clip https://www.proclipusa.com/
  5. @1004ron is there any particular reason you don't want to use apple car play or android auto? i find the whole nav experience to be infinitely better than sirius. i'm not crazy about waze because of the sponsored placements but google maps is fantastic. i would guess that apple maps is good as well.
  6. what gets VIN locked, the OBDLink MX? i've used mine on a few different cars including two of my own.
  7. where do you live? maybe you can find someone with forscan and a OBD device nearby who would help you.
  8. what tires do you have? how worn are they? i had an '09 Edge Limited with AWD and the factory all season tires. i don't remember what brand they were but they were absolute garbage in the snow. we had a bit of snow shortly after i got the car and i wanted to see how it fared. it didn't. no traction at all either accelerating or braking. it was dangerous. in comparison, i had michelin x-ice on my next edge and they were amazing. loads of grip (relatively speaking for snow.) i remember years ago when i had an X5 and guys on a forum were complaining about how bad their car was because it couldn't get up their steep driveway. they had high performance low profile summer tires on, duh!! all season tires aren't very good in the snow and AWD or 4WD is no substitute for where the rubber meets the road.
  9. in my 2020 Edge, there are instructions for showing the code on the display. i think there may be similar instructions in your owner's guide as well. i seem to recall similar instructions on my '09 and '16. you don't mention your model year.
  10. greetings from the extreme opposite end of canada!
  11. i have a 2020 ST that is only a few months old. from time to time, the left turn signal will flash quickly. a return to off and on again has always returned it to normal. yesterday it occurred at a place where i could stop and get out of the car to see which light it was. turns out to be the front left turn signal. in the "old days" this would indicate a burnt out bulb but since all signal bulbs are LED in this car (front amber on headlight assembly, mirror, and rear) and the problem always corrects itself by turning the signal off and back on again, i'm wondering what the failure could be so i know where to start looking. would a loose connection cause these symptoms? i'm thinking not since it always corrects itself by turning the sign off and on again. i'm thinking that a loose connection would remain in failure mode. could it be the headlight assembly? electronics somewhere? obviously the car is under warranty so i can just tell them about it when i go in for the first service. i'll have to record the signals when they fail because you know what happens; they won't be able to duplicate the problem. if anyone has any ideas, i'd like to hear them. thanks.
  12. but you are right about BC being a beautiful province. it is.
  13. the city of Palma de Mallorca is at 39°N. Stone Mountain park is at 58°N. (source: wikipedia) Most of the canadian border with the US is at the 49th parallel.
  14. thought i'd post this just for the record. i was trying different things with the + and - buttons and found that it behaves much differently than i had anticipated. perhaps it will also clear up any potential misunderstanding about how to do what people suggested. a press that is very slightly longer than a quick tap raises the speed to the next even 10 kph. i don't mean a long press as in seconds, just a tap that you hold on to for maybe half-a-second? hope this makes sense. so if i'm doing 52, the longer tap takes it to 60. if i'm doing 57 it does the same thing; bumps it to 60. then if you hold on, it will further raise the speed by 10 kph so 70, 80, 90, etc. I assumed that the press and hold would raise the speed in 1 kph increments and that it would be difficult to lift off the button at exactly 60 for example. then i'd have to look at the speed setting and further adjust. it seemed like an awkward way to do it. anyway, this is good enough for me so i consider the case to be closed ?
  15. and you must have missed the third post in this thread. pressing and holding still requires the driver to take their eyes off of the road and look at something else which is in my opinion an inferior solution and a distraction that i prefer to avoid. in any case, the point of this thread was to inquire as to whether or not it is possible to change the increments for each press of the + and - buttons, not to debate the merits or faults of other methods.
  16. i believe the cars set to MPH have always changed in one MPH increments. the problem is that 1 MPH = 1.6 KPH. changing speed by 6 MPH would require 6 clicks whereas it that equals 10 KPH and thus 10 clicks.
  17. let's keep this simple; let's just trade cars. ? last night after i posted this i was wondering if i could push and hold. i'll check that out. only problem is that you have to take your eyes off the road to do it. thanks omar302.
  18. in my '09 and '16 edges, the cruise control + and - changed the speed by 2 KPH. Now my new '20 changes the speed by 1 KPH so to speed up or slow down 10 KPH i have to press the buttons on the steering wheel 10 times whereas before it was only 5. for the metrically challenged among us, that means that to change approx 6 MPH, it takes 10 clicks. a little bit ridiculous in my opinion. anyone know if it's possible to modify this increment? i have forescan and the adapter thingy. thanks
  19. ben senise


    shiny shiny! ?
  20. i had a battery fail when one of the cells cracked. glad you got in the car. now you have to replace the lock cylinder too.
  21. as omar302 said, there are different display options. i use one that has the tach with gas gauge and water temperature.
  22. i didn't know you had a 2013. not mentioned in the OP. no, not suggesting you remove anything.
  23. i couldn't see omar302's "upper trims" pic so here's another one: the left and right displays are LCD while the speedometer in the center is analog, i.e. a real needle that rotates.
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