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ben senise

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Everything posted by ben senise

  1. what are you trying to connect to your Sync3? this device you posted appears to convert analog sound signal from the 3.5mm hack to a digital signal on the USB plug. i'm curious to know what source you've got that you want to use.
  2. add me to the 91 octane club. i didn't buy the ST to hobble it with low octane gas.
  3. the brake calipers are not larger on the brake package. i thought living in wisconsin, you would get proper winter tires. all-seasons suck in the winter and suck in the summer. p-zeros are high performance summer tires. if you drove home in january, i would imagine it was cold and maybe you even had snow or ice on the road. summer tires get rock hard when they get cold and lose grip. all seasons are a bit better but not much. winter tires stay soft and thus keep their grip within the laws of physics of course. plus, if you only had 15 miles on them, they still had the mold-release on them and they'd be slippery even in dry and hot conditions. it takes a couple hundred miles to wear that stuff off. why not just keep the nice p-zeros for the summer and get a set of wheels for the winter tires?
  4. if you can get on a small curvy road with no lighting at night, you can see them work. to me it's very noticeable. just drive slowly and turn your steering wheel slowly. you should see the light move in the direction you are turning. if your lights do the little dance when you turn them on, then my guess is that they're working. although i believe they don't move when the car is stationary. it does seem strange that people don't have the option available in the settings but as long as they work, that's what counts. i can't imagine a scenario where you wouldn't want them to work. they give me so much peace of mind since i live in an area with almost no straight roads anywhere and tons of dear, bears, cougars, racoons, etc. the lighting is so much better to the side of the road in a curve with these lights. it's the main reason i sold my 2016 Ti; the lights were terrible.
  5. looks great. i like the grill too. here's to many years of enjoyment! how many miles?
  6. don't forget that in the UK you use imperial gallons whereas in the US they use US Customary gallons. 1 imperial gallon has 160 (fluid) imperial oz. and is 4.546 L 1 US Customary gallon has 128 (fluid) US Customary oz. and is 3.785 L your 34 mpg imperial is about 28 mpg american but your edge is diesel, no?
  7. according to the display, i'm using 10.5 liters per 100 km on my 2020 ST. I've been using 91 octane since i got the car 6 months ago. that converts to 22.4 miles per US Gallon. most of my driving is rural with very little city driving. engine almost always gets up to operating temperature.
  8. i guess the OP has resolved their issue and didn't bother to come back. post and dash. ?
  9. i just checked my '20 ST. same as yours. no mention of "acoustic" or "soundscreen."
  10. looking at Haz's reply, i'm left wondering if your problem with the switch is the same with the car locked and unlocked. is it?
  11. the dealer is just fobbing you off. "normal" because they don't want to deal with it. the first thing i would suggest is to measure the aim.if you are within spec, then that's as good as it will get. if not, then there's another problem. check this out: https://owner.ford.com/support/how-tos/exterior/lights/how-to-adjust-headlights.html# on a related subject, the headlights on my 2016 Ti were so terrible that they were dangerous and were the absolute #1 reason why i got rid of the car and bought a new edge with the much improved LED headlights. the engineering of the standard lights in that model, and i suppose it's the same as yours, is terrible. they are weak and poorly focused. i live in an area with a ton of wildlife and it is terrifying to drive here at night. there are many many threads in this forum that discuss how to improve the lights. be sure to check those out. i hacked some different sized bulbs to be able to use them in my headlights. they were a little bit brighter but not much. some people use LED or HID bulbs. but in the end, the reflectors and lenses just suck.
  12. but when you fill a tire with pure nitrogen, do they purge the existing air out of it? no, so there's still all those other gases left in there. i believe that on race cars or maybe planes where they use nitrogen, there are two valves; one for putting the air in and another to let it out so they can "flush" the plain air out with pure nitrogen. if you just add nitrogen, you'll still be left with a significant percentage of other gasses.
  13. "what did I get myself into?" well, to me it looks like you got yourself into a very sweet ride! congrats! hope you enjoy it.
  14. 200 bucks? that's not funny. that's criminal. personally i would have gone back to the dealer and made them refund that money on the spot. that is disgusting.
  15. maybe he wears a T-shirt that says "10 Inches" as well. ? lame.
  16. i love the black headliner in my ST!
  17. tail lights look great! did you take off the exhaust tips to wrap them or were they wrapped in place?
  18. i wasn't sure if my memory was faulty or not so i checked yesterday and can confirm that on my 2020 ST if i use the remote start i must NOT press the brake pedal while pressing the start/stop button. if i do, the engine shuts down. and if i recall correctly, this was the same on my 2016 Ti. i find it strange that a Lincoln would be different. Could it be a country specific behavior?
  19. i second the suggestion for the proclip. very good quality product.
  20. let them take it for a drive. and personally, i couldn't give a fork what people think about my car. i bought it for me. they're probably just jealous.
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