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  1. Beerchug, Thank you very much for the help and by the way, I purchased the Edge in March and I only have 3700 miles on the vehicle.
  2. Thx for the responses but it does not sound too encouraging
  3. I truly appreciate the response. And it makes very good sense. Now what would the remedy be? BTW, I finally got the attention of Ford and they are sending and engineer from Ford to take a look at the problem. If it is as you described, what do you thinlk he/she will recommend as a fix? Thx
  4. Beerchug, Thx for the response. I HAVE had the Edge in the shop 4 times. On the 3rd time they had the car for 3 1/2 weeks. A code diagnosis by Ford told them to change the ABS unit. The dealer told me that this could have something to do with the hesitation or lag. Upon return of the vehicle, the problem appeared to be slightly better at lower speeds but still absolutely terrible from 45-60. It did feel like the transmission shift points were tweaked a bit. So the 4th time I took it to another dealer for a fresh face to look at it without much luck. Mostly hearing from both dealers: its common for Edge's to do that, we noticed it but it really is not that bad, the service manager told me that he has an Edge and it does that too. Well it is bad and a very irritating problem. I only have 3000 miles on the car. I am going to file a Lemon Law claim because I cant drive this way for several years.
  5. Hank


    I have what sounds like the very same "Hesitation" problem. I have had the car in several times and have been told everything from they cant find anything wrong to it's normal for the Edge to run that way. The last time it was in the shop, all of the dash lights and speedometer went out. The diagnosis after having the vehicle 3 1/2 weeks was that there was a bad ABS unit and i was told that may have an affect on the performance of the engine. I have to admit that when i finally got the car back the hesitation at lower speeds seemed somewhat better however, from 40-60 the car will not accelerate unless you give it full throttle. It is the worst when there are hills. I have been telling Ford that it is a "part-throttle" hesitation problem. It flat out wont accelerate unless you give in 3/4- full throttle. When the car went in for the 3rd time I filed a claim under the lemon law but figured that i would wait until i got the car back with the new ABS just to see if it remidied the problem. It did not so unfortunately, I feel that i must follow through. I couldnt stand to drive this way for the next few years.
  6. All of the OD transmission banter aside, i have this same problem. I see that you had the problem a while ago, did Ford provide a fix?
  7. Hank


    I have the HESITATION PROBLEM!!! Extremely irritating. Mine does it between 40 and 55 under a part-throttle acceleration. On the expressway on up gradual hinclines is the worst. I have had it to the dealer twice without satisfaction. I would like to keep taking it back however i am open to suggestions from other posters here as to what my alternatives are.
  8. I appreciate the response. I dont really think that it is a transmission issue. It is a lack of power, flat spot or a hesitation if you will upon a part-throttle acceleration. Hills are the worst. If you want to give it a little gas to maintain speed up a hill it just does not respond until you give it enough pedal (more than normally necessary) and then it will downshift. This has an affect on gas mileage too, having to put the pedal to the floor just to maintain speed. I live in VA but i am from Chicago and i spoke with some service managers that i know at dealers there and they tell me that it is not a common problem and should be fixable.
  9. I have a 2010 Edge. Nice car with the exception of two problems. the first problem is: Upon a "part throttle " accereration between 35 and 55 MPH, the vehicle hesitates. When you are driving on the freeway and want to accererate a little or if you are driving in a hilly area in which you dont want to floor the pedal, and you just want to give it a little gas there is very little reaction. I even stepped on the gas one time and nothing happened. It just fell flat. I have had the car for in the shop for this this same problem 3 times in 2200 miles. The service manager will tell me on the side that his car does the same thing and thet this problem is inherent with the Edge. One service manager has even said that his Edge does it too but he can live with it and Ford has not issued a remedy regrading this problem and until they do, I am going to have to keep putting up with this until and if Ford issues a repair bulletin. This is not a problem that I want to live with for the dursation of my ownership of the car. The other problem is that the A/C is not that good. Ford has checked the tempurature at the vent and they said that it was 60 degrees. Well it very well might be but it has very low velocity. You can leave the A/C on full blast and it would blow you away like mopst air conditioners. i hope that someone cvan help me here. Has anyone else experienced either of these two problems? Thank you,[/size]
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