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Everything posted by 2006GT

  1. Got it... The reverse, vss and ill. wires are all in the the same bundle on the drivers side as pieced together in the previous posts. Also, anyone installing the PAC SWI-PS (Steering Wheel control adaptor) Please note, you must use the 100 Ohm resistor (brown, black, brown) and also ground the blue with white strip wire in the pin 19 slot of the harness or the interface will not work. It doesn't mentioned that in the instructions... Got everything installed last night. All is working good!
  2. Great write up! I just did my wifes this weekend. Everything went well with the exception of the Steering wheel adaptor. Won't work. I have a support question off to PAC for that ... I didn't not hook up the VSS wire yet... Which one is reccomended??? 1) By the PCM? If so, which harness is it in? 2) Driver side/kick panel bundle along with the ilumination and reverse wires??? Thanks for your help guys!
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