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Everything posted by wilsons66604

  1. Get this. My salesman comes back to me and says... Ford is putting front brackets on all of them. The first ones we have received have all had them. We called Ford and they are putting them on all of them. UPDATE: After explaining to the salesman that not all Edges come with bracket installed, he's come back to me saying that the dealership DOES order the bracket on all vehicles because it's a free option. WTF! He's ordering me a new grill
  2. Wow! I'll be sure to check mine this weekend after I take delivery. Do they think this is on the trial membership?
  3. Ford owner website Manuals are here. Just sign up and tell 'em what car yup have
  4. When my Toyota came to me from Nebraska 4 yrs ago, it had the front plate. They swapped out the front bumper cover with another car. I'll most likely ask them to do the same thing with this edge. It must be a quick swap if I can order a new one painted to body color for $200+-... Installed The dealer has one edge listed. Looking up it's window sticker and it has that same line item for bracket. I think it's the dealer's practice to order them....that will stop.
  5. Ya i know, I loaded the manuals onto my iPad. Browsed a little then never went back. I've found that I only use manuals at last resort. Typical man I guess. I do like all the available videos though.
  6. I guess this isn't do it yourself upgrade with USB then. Keep us posted.
  7. Great news! I'm happy for you! I'm picking mine up tomorrow and I just blocked Friday as a vacation day. Life is good!
  8. Try using the "Choose File" button then hit "Attach This File" button just below the text box
  9. Salesman tells me it will be ready for me tomorrow afternoon. I guess, I've waited 4 months. What's another 24hrs?
  10. Mine was installed at the factory :-( Check out my window sticker... Anyone else have this on their window sticker?
  11. WTF! Wonder why mine has it installed from the factory. I saw it mentioned on my Window Sticker but figured I get it in a bag and not installed.
  12. It's a good thing that I actually sat in my new car right after they unloaded it. :happy feet: It's not such a good thing that the front bracket was already installed! (At least I won't be blaming the dealership for installing it.)
  13. I just drove by my dealer. To my pleasure / glee :happy feet: MY CAR was just off loaded from the transport! I actually sat in it! Let's see how quick they can get it cleaned up.
  14. Not being a patient customer, I begged the Twitter team for an update. The first reply was a canned message...nothing new. I then got a reply from another support person. He ended up sending me a XL file of every stop on the transit! Long story short... My car is on a transport and left KC yesterday morning! :happy feet:
  15. Good. That's what I was wanting to hear.
  16. I've asked the salesman (twice) to make sure the bracket is left off. He said they would...but if Ford installed them, it was out of his control. After spying a '11 Edge w/bracket in the dealer's back lot, I'm concerned that they are screwing brackets into the grills
  17. Living in KS where we don't use front tags. Therefore, I don't want to ruin the Grill with a bracket. Has anyone taken delivery of a new Edge without the bracket installed? or Does this get installed on all cars?
  18. You better ask your dealer. I never heard of that one. Sounds like a non-committal statement.
  19. Looks sweet! Were there any problems with getting the grill installed? One of a kind!
  20. I don't have iTunes in front of me but I found this on the internet http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071119173359AA54rRE in your iTunes library take them and drag and drop to your USB, easy as that I plan on bringing my old Gen5 iPod back to life and use it. It's big enough to hold my complete library.
  21. Someone noted that there was no place to set the NAV voice volume and later found it with voice commands. Have you tried using the voice command "voice" ?
  22. I've been so frustrated with the dealer's lack of communication, I broke the news to them that I was able to get the info elswhere. In an email, I told my salesman that I knew my car was on a transport and asked him what he knew. His usual status report was vague at best.."hopefully by end of month". Now that he knows that I know, he gave me a real status that it was not yet shipped and will be Thursday, Friday, or Saturday before is shows up in Topeka. I figured if I let them know I knew, they wouldn't sit on the car (or test drive it) for a few days before getting it to me. The dealer's Sport is still in the body shop so it looks like I'll have the first Edge in Topeka. Whoopty Do
  23. I just googled the tint laws and here's what it is...according to www.tintcenter.com KS laws: Windshield Non-reflective tint is allowed along the top of the windshield above the manufacturer's AS-1 line. Front Side Windows Must allow more than 35% of light in. Back Side Windows Must allow more than 35% of light in. Rear Window Must allow more than 35% of light in. CA laws: Windshield Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 4 inches of the windshield. Front Side Windows Must allow more than 70% of light in. Back Side Windows Any darkness can be used. Rear Window Any darkness can be used. Anyone know what the percentage is on the factory tint?
  24. I'm not a detailer but I've heard of people spraying PAM or even WD40 on their car. Ha, Not me! They also make a 3M film you could apply. One thing about the BAG (Big A$$ Grill) is that there is less paint to catch bugs with. Chrome may be easier to keep clean.
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