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Everything posted by sledgedriver

  1. I am an owner of a ford edge in Northern California and I have to say that I was only able to drive the vehicle for two weeks. ONLY!!!! I had to take in on May 15th and I have not received the my car back. I was reading that some people had problems with it getting stuck like the load was too much for the sunroof. That is how mine started. After that is when it was only able to go to the tilt position. Would close fine and tilt, but no sliding. The dealership had to get some engineer to look at the problem and a mechanic from even more up North to come down and show how to uninstall. I know how that sounds they dont know what they are doing! That is one thing that the did admit is that they did not. This was the first EDGE ever for them. So they had to order 11 parts which have been trickling into the service center. They told me that those parts are hard to come by. They are having problems getting their hands on them. What they also found out is that there was some stress fructure on the railing that they found. STRESS FRACTURES?? Make me wonder the EDGE was only driven on city roads and highways. Never off road with it all. No time anyways I only had for two weeks. Has anyone gotten this type of results?
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