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  1. I also want to mention, be careful when prying the old switch off of the shifter assembly. I had one of the plastic posts break off and get stuck in the hole. I was able to get it out by tapping it on the back side and then using some needle nose pliers but for a moment there I was like "oh crap!"..
  2. I replaced the switch today on my car... Pretty easy work except for holding my flashlight while working with the wires.. I need one of those head mount lights. My switch I got from mouser had black, red, blue.. I connected black to black, (new) red to (old) blue, then (new) blue to (old) green. Worked! Thanks again to all the good information in this thread!
  3. Yeah I saw that post also. In all honesty I asked them outright how much it was to replace the shifter assembly and they gave me the price for that. But they also mentioned doing an assessment first in which they might have determined for themselves it was only the switch and might gave gone that route.
  4. Thanks to everyone for all the input on this issue. My 2013 sport is doing this again! I had the shifter assembly replaced under warranty at 21k miles... I am now at 53k and it just started happening again. So I am going to buy that $5.02 switch and do it myself. Ford said it was $560+tax for them to replace the assembly. edit: switches ordered.. I got three of them.. I am guessing in another 25K-ish I will need to do this again..
  5. My one accomplishment today.. The Edge is clean once again!
  6. I use liquid ice and sometimes mothers back to black for more heavy duty jobs.
  7. This car looks so slick clean. The sparkles in the paint are a trip.
  8. I got a detail a couple weeks ago and finally got my first wash after that yesterday. This morning I wiped all the dust off the car and then treated it with chemical guys slick synthetic detailer. It came out really nice. That stuff is really easy to use and it smells great too. $10 on Amazon.
  9. Did another mini detail today. A wash and then chemical guys detail liquid. Worked pretty well!!
  10. This just started happening to my 2013 Sport AWD. it's fully under warr (18.5k miles) so I will take it in for a shifter lever replacement. It happens about 25% of the time I shift into park. I can "fix" it by flicking the button a couple times though, right now, but I assume it will get worse over time.. so I don't have to hit anything yet - thankfully. Still a bummer but glad to see it's a known issue and this thread has all the info in it. I'll get it replaced with my next oil change in 1000 miles or so unless it gets a lot worse quickly.
  11. Sweet! Congratz... At first I wasn't so sure but the new look is growing on me.
  12. Thanks.. there are some interesting items there... I'll have to dig some more. I ordered a basic storage net from amazon for $18 that hangs off the rear seat headrest posts... I should get that today and I will report how good it is. edit: got the net. it works so far.
  13. I posted this in the "interior" section but I think this forum is more appropriate for it: I used to use a plastic tote for the things I "store" in my car (extra jackets, a towel, cables, a small tool kit, etc). I also toss my backback in the tote while I am driving. This method worked fine in my '08 limited that I didn't take corners on with any speed but in the sport the tote tips over all the time now. I am looking for a good cargo net with some pockets that I might be able to kind of hang over the back of the back seats and put all this stuff in. Sort of like a multi-pocket net organizer. I see some of these on ebay and stuff but no idea which ones are decent quality. I thought the community here would have more info on this. Any and all ideas welcome. edit: I ended up getting this net from amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051C5ZFM seems to work well so far. The test will be long term durability though.
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