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Everything posted by polak_slawcio

  1. Save your time/money/aggrivation and just buy a brand name amp and run new wires. I already did all that and wasted way too time with the dealer. All in all they changed all the parts (deck/amp/sub) and the noise still existed. Cheers
  2. I have an 09 Edge Limited with 39k that i take care of very much. Now over the last few weeks i started noticing the liftgate motor/mechanism making almost as a ticking/clicking sound when lowering/raising the liftgate. I never noticed it in the past. Did anyone else experience similar problems/noises? I can't see it being normal, wear and tear... i don't open it that much.... maybe 20 times a month.
  3. hahaha hmmm wow... the amp is so small that it almost imposible for any fan to fit inside. Not sure about your sub, but mine emited an electrical interference noise. Especially noticable when using the sync phone option. I was also able to get rid of this noise by attaching a small device to clean the signal (amp to sub)... however that also lowered the base from the sub so that is why i went the different route of putting in an after market amp. Once again... i think its a huge shame for ford to deploy something like that.... there should have been a recall on that. I guess that is why the '11 have a different sound unit and most likely amp.
  4. I had the same problem, its a real shame for the pre '11 edges. I just couldn't live with it and the dealer replaced deck/amp/sub before telling me its a known problem and for me to see it for myself on the edge's parked in their lot. I took out the amp and run my own power wire from the battery. Noise is gone and it sounds good.
  5. I just got my Edge back from dealer after 3 times (2 full days). They diagnosed it and said its the deck (radio). Along the way they dented/broke the face of the radio/vent so they had to replace that too. So now that I have my new radio (so they said) i still hear the same annoying electrical/audio noise. I really got sick of this dealer crap and took apart the back of the edge. There really isn't much to play with.... tomorrow i will try to run a new power and ground cable from battery to see if anything changes. Does anyone have a schematic for the 5 cables plugging into the amp? I figure the 3 are prob +12, ground, and accessory and the other 2 are audio inputs.... just have to test which one is which. If that plan fails, maybe i'll get another amp and test...hmmm
  6. Start saving some $$ for a new fuel fump if you keep this up I would hate to the next owner of your car....
  7. I have the same problem on my 09 Edge Limited, The noise comes from the rear sub, it makes the noise with the radio on or off, as long as the key is in the accessory mode or the engine running....the sub makes the noise. I only got the car this week and just discovered it yesterday. Anyone has this? Did the dealer fix it? It seems like a bad amp or sub.
  8. I just got my 09 Edge Limited and I keep hearing a noise "pitch" coming from the sub at the back, this happens from the time i put the key in the ignition and turn it to accessory so the radio comes on and also when driving. The noise comes through with the Radio ON or OFF. Anyone else seen this? Ideas? Bad Amp? torn cables?
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