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About thadfield

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  1. Did anyone solve this issue? I have the same thing happening on my 2011 Edge. It says the video will resume in park, but it won't even work if you START the video in Park (let alone try to resume it)
  2. Glad to hear that these things are hard to get to work reliably. I was starting to think it was crazy and they were just decorative. I'll keep trying with them.
  3. The Sony receiver in the 2011 Edge LTD has a control in the middle for volume, fast forward, etc., and then a horizontal bar that says "Sound" and another that says "Source." I see no reference to these in the owners manuals (maybe I'm just missing it, but I've looked several times). What are they supposed to do? How do you work them? I've pressed them, touched them, swiped across them.... nothing seems to happen. Am I doing something wrong? Or are mine broken? Has anyone else found a reference to these in the owners manuals?
  4. For the last 15 years I've had Mercedes vehicles and a "beater." My first beater was 1994 Ford Explorer Sport. When the air conditioning finally gave out, I looked for a used Escape because it was about the same size. This car had to be parked out on the street, so it wasn't going to be a top-of-line new vehicle. The salesman had me try a 2008 Edge that had been a dealer rental, and it was so much better than any Escape, I took it. It was a bare-bones as they come, but it served me well for three years (although sitting on the street, it got clipped once for $2500 of damage and took its share of other San Francisco Street punishment). Finally, I got tired of having the Mercedes 2009 E350 for commuting, and the Edge for weekend tasks. Too much hassle of find street parking etc. I traded both of them in for the 2011 Edge Limited. It seems to be virtually as nice as the E350, minus real wood and one feature I loved (the passenger side mirror tilted down automatically in reverse, making it easy to park against a curb). I'm OCD about quiet interiors and of course, at 150 miles, the 2011 Edge doesn't have a single buzz or rattle. I hope it stays that way. So far I love everything about it but the wheels. I can't understand why chrome-covered plastic would be desirable by anyone! They may have to go if I can find some reasonable replacements that aren't so gaudy and aren't so plastic!
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