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Everything posted by justhoppy

  1. OK, update to my previous thread about the block heater or lack thereof. I found and purchased a block heater from O'Reilly's autoparts store for 32 bucks. I have located the plug that requires removal to install the block heater but I must hunt down an allen wrench big enough to remove said plug (its a BIG plug). I am taking pictures as I perform this task since it seems no one has installed a block heater on an Edge and will post when completed.
  2. Being active duty military I was serving a one year unaccompanied remote overseas tour and left mama at home by herself. Upon my arrival back to the good ol USA my wife proudly proclaims that she bought a new car!!!! Bless her heart she did a good job buying the Edge, however my next assignment is taking us to Alaska. This vehicle was purchased in New Mexico and I guess they don't put block heaters on them down there unless you order one with it installed. So I called a couple of dealers and they are telling me its gonna cost anywhere between 500 and 1000 bucks to have one installed. Has anyone installed or know of someone installing a block heater on an Edge? One dealer told me that they have to drop the tranny to install it, I haven't had time to crawl under the Edge and look for freeze plugs but I can't believe that Ford would make installing a block heater so expensive or hard to do. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. My wife's 2008 Edge is FWD and gets 17ish city, and 24ish highway mileage.
  4. I just got done installing the Curt Hitch and wire harness. A couple of things to keep in mind about installing the hitch is that you have to drill two holes and trim down your exhaust heat shields. Also two of the bolts holding the heat shields on are not reinstalled when you install the hitch, so if you are having someone else install the hitch for you ask them to save the bolts for you. The hitch install took me about 1.5 hours by myself. If you did not get instructions (mine were missing) go to etrailer.com and they have them available to print out. The wire harness was pretty much straight forward, the hardest/most time consuming part is running the wire to the battery, here is a video of the install. http://www.etrailer.com/tv-wiring-install-...-ford-edge.aspx
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