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Everything posted by madlock

  1. If that's the case (and it may very well be), it would be one of the worst possible reasons - and precisely the kind of inherited "car-think" decisions Ford has to move away from to continue building its brand equity and make the critical transformation from a maker of some great cars into a great car maker. These include the myriad other "nickel and dime" decisions that are made in which certain obvious cost-savings decisions are made that compromise value or functionality - because the ultimate message to the marketplace is "this is a cost savings burden we expect the consumer to bear - without given them so much as the courtesy of paying for it if they choose". And it plays worse the more trivial and less expensive the item involved - because there's so much less rational justification from the consumer's point of view. Hopefully, Ford will quickly learn that the value of its positive perception (and continuing to enhance it further) likely FAR outweighs the bottom-line profit benefit than any additional nickels and dimes it hopes to save by even allowing buyers, reviewers and competitors to have something to talk about - and the fact that 2011 Edge is SO good doesn't make it better, it only makes matters worse because it compromises a vehicle that's been so obviously and thoughtfully improved in SO many ways.
  2. I just wanted to thank everyone who contributed to this thread. The same procedure works for replacing 2009 Lincoln MKS mirrors that have been revised for 2010 to include a blind spot view. The only thing I found to be more amazing than its simplicity was how fixated it someone seemed to be on making sure everyone knew how silly and unnecessary an idea he thought it was. I got the general idea after the the first 20-or-so times it was mentioned. Wouldn't it have been easier to stick a header post on each page reading "akirby thinks this is unnecessary and anyone who prefers the new mirror just doesn't know how to position their mirror or want to look over his shoulder" so all the others who prefer the new design could think to themselves "Fine. I want/like it anyway" without it getting in the way of the useful how-to information?
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