Well been a member for a few days. Traded in my highly modded 07 Scion TC last Saturday. I have a 20 month old and a wife that cant drive stick so it lead me to traded in my baby. We looked at the Edge and Fusion and really wanted the Fusion. We couldnt get one financed last month but this month I looked and found a black 08 SEL AWD EDGE that I could finance. It has 41k miles which makes me a little squeemesh but I know new cars are built to last longer and longer.I love that transition from my 5 Speed to the Automatic. It makes my 1 hour drive to and from work less harsh on my knees. I like the ride and cant wait to start putting some money into it. New rims, HIDs and maybe a Black powdercoated front grill will be all I do.
I guess it is cause I put alot on my last car but I am finding the amount of aftermarket parts for the Edge is pretty minimal for what I wanna do. No black metal front grill, no tail light upgrades. No headlight upgrades. I guess it is more of a family car then a mid 20's single adult's car.
But either way, I am happy with the car as it fits the needs for my family. I will try to add some pics but since its bone stock not really anything exciting with it. Look forward to being active on teh boards.