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About Ultra96

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  1. Sue, I have posted some pics of my Edge in the members gallery...check them out they show the rear of the vehicle with the pieces installed. I have to say that quite a few people have asked me about the add ons since I have had them installed. I think they just add the right amount to the what I thought was a "dull" rear door. Ultra
  2. Ultra96

    Ultra's Edge

    Carbon Mettalic SEL Edge
  3. I also ordered some items for my EDGE, I bought the trim that goes on the liftgate around the Ford emblem as well as the liftgate door edge piece. Both pieces add alot to the look of the liftgate. Prior to adding these items the liftgate looked very bland, my EDGE is a Carbon Mettalic paint. The only thing I would caution you about is to be very careful when installing the items as you really only have one shot at getting it right. I also would suggest that you pull the tape off from the center out as it seems to make it easier to adjust as you put the pieces on the vehicle. Paul
  4. Wow, I hope they make them as well...but I have to say that when I e-mailed them about one month ago my reply was much different than the one you got. Hope that your reply pans out as they do make a get mat. I have them in my 2000 Explorer and when I took them out the factory carpet underneath looked almost brand new...
  5. I haven't had any problems with mine at all. It does seem to open slower than most sunroofs that I have seen in the past.
  6. Izz...I have had my Edge SEL AWD since March and I am getting between 22 - 23 MPG on the highway, I drive over 100 miles per day to and from work so most of the driving is on the highway. I really dont know what it would get if it was city driving. I already have over 6,000 miles on the vehicle and I am still very happy with my choice. It is much better than the 2000 Explorer that I had before the Edge. On the Explorer the best I could get on the highway was around 15 MPG, so I am very pleased with the better gas milage as well as the better ride.
  7. I got a nice cargo liner from Husky liners and it fits really well..also multiple colors are available
  8. Just got a set of nice heavy duty floor mats from Weathertech...the are made to fit really well....also I am averaging about 22 - 23 MPG as I do alot of highway driving... Carbon Mettalic with stone interior
  9. I have some of these items on my Edge. I have a Carbon Metallic paint version and wanted to dress up the rear liftgate. So I got the trim for around the Ford logo and the lower door edge. They are really nice, adds just the right touch. Have to say that you definately need to take your time when installing the items...also another company to look at is Quality Automotive Accessories at qaausa.com
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