So.....hopefully not a long story long. I had the water pump along with the timing chain replaced due to weepage at the water pump shaft. Not real happy with the shop that did the work as they got a valve cover gasket out of place and had a pretty good leak. They fixed that. Then the new water pump started leaking out of the seal on the shaft......They replaced the water pump. I should mention that some back(before the water pump)we started to notice when we make the right hand turn into our driveway, we noticed what seemed like a natural gas odor. It seemed like that went away after the first water pump repair was completed. It's hard to tell as there has been so many odors from oil and coolant.... But what ever that odor is it's back and smelling more oily than before. Now whenever I'm heading up hill and make a right hand turn I smell oil real strong inside the car. So of course I took it back and they can't find a leak.....and there is no drips on the ground. I looked every where and I can't see a I drove it a bit today and sure enough, every uphill right hand turn strong oil smell in the car.......anyone know where the intake is that draws air into the cab? I'm actually starting to think that the smell we're getting is not related to the repair work done and it's an advance continuation of the "natural gassy" smell we originally noticed............Thoughts?