Hi all, I was able to complete the repair successfully!
It wasn't the hardest repair I have ever done, but it also wasn't the easiest. If you take a plastic trim removal piece, the little white clips are very easy to pop off. The problem I faced when doing this repair was, as the manual stated, some come with little dollops of polyurethane in the corners, and my car was one of the ones that had this. It is a very tight spot to get a razor blade in there. I am, unfortunately, at college, so I have very limited access to tools, but I would recommend a spackle knife to get in there and to pull that polyurethane out. This is a very tedious process and takes a good amount of time.
Once that was finished, the whole trim piece popped off, allowing me to access the underside to install all of the clips. I got new clips from a Ford dealership, and I noticed a little upgrade was made to them. There is a little white piece that applies pressure to ensure that the clips don't fall out, like how mine fell out. You can notice the difference in the picture below.
Once the clips were installed, some of the weather stripping came undone so I purchased new weather stripping at Home Depot and installed it. To reinstall the trim piece, you can simply line up the holes with the clips you installed on the trim piece and then apply some pressure; you will hear loud clicks for every clip you have. You must insert the clips into the trim piece, you can't put the clips onto the frame of the car.
During this whole process, I got a little impatient undoing the polyurethane and snapped the trim piece in 2 places. I was able to silicone the pieces back together, it's not very noticeable, but I would recommend taking your time to not let this happen to you.
Down below I have numerous photos of the whole process, let me know if anyone needs help. Again, thank you everyone for your help, you made this process a whole lot better for me!