2018 Ford Edge SEL AWD 3.5l (non-Turbo) 110k miles
I have ti replace my Read Differential (RDU), I am trying to find a replacement (Ford does not have them) from e-bay or other sources. However there are so many China ones and ones that list every part number as interchangeable it is a freaking nightmare.
I have found a couple where the numbers are close but not the same
My Numbers are : CV6W 4B025 DF / S-162-A from the tags. (see images) There is also an etched number on the coupler CV6W 4600 BA
Most that I find, the second numbers are S-15n or S-164-A
I have read that if the S- number is not the same the vehicle needs to be reprogrammed? Is that true, or are there ones that are direct interchanges without programming to mine, and what are they?
I see that Forscan could be used, however, you can no longer get the Windows or Android version, so is there an alternative?
Thanks in advance an I really appreciate the assists!