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Janet Smith

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  1. Same issue with my ford edge- or similar - 70 mph on the freeway in far left lane- power cut out to the vehicle and we coasted to the far right shoulder across 4 lanes of traffic at a crawl speed as it went down to zero mph. Car would not restart. Towed to ford dealership from the freeway. Whole time was 30 min approx waiting for tow and 1/2 hour more towing to dealership- at dealership the ford edge turned on and backed off the tow truck! Ran diagnostics several times and no problem showed up. Driven by ford for 3 weeks with no repeat of incident. It just lost power and no- I did not run out of gas… a full tank. Ford claims no engine light code means no problem . Does dealer Said never heard of issue but others have had similar that I have seen online- not a dead battery because radio and dash lights and blinkers worked .
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