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Ar Gerrit

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  1. I just checked and to my surprise indeed no recall listed anymore for our 2018 Edge despite not doing the reprogramming. This also explains why my Ford dealership didn't mention any recalls when I had the car serviced last week. So perhaps they pulled it?
  2. Yes, which is why I hadn't done mine yet either. In my state there is no mandatory emission testing anymore (discontinued a few years ago). What seems to happen based on a few other reports, is the vehicle runs less lean. This would make sense, as that happened in other emissions recalls over the years too. It then often means higher fuel consumption but less partially combusted side products and hence lower emissions. There is talk on how busted cats are a side effect of the original issue (lean, but higher amounts of partially combusted particles) configuration. But that is not confirmed yet either. Some people seem to have thrown that into some AI app and now posting screenshots suggesting it as a fact, not realizing the AI might have only picked it up from forum posts like ours where we were speculating. Nevertheless, if true that would mean this recall would give a lower chance of future cat failure vs an immediate higher fuel consumption now. But it is all speculation of course. The fact that Ford is vague means there is some tradeoff somewhere.
  3. I also received the notice for our 2018 Edge. I'm very reluctant to get this done without further details. What emissions are potentially not met in real conditions? What does this reprogramming cause? I'm all for reducing actual emissions, but I'm concerned it will just decrease MPG or decrease performance by tuning the emissions for some theoretical compliance. It is just that Ford has done things like this in the past where they issued recalls that were 'easy for them' but not in the benefit of the owner. (E.g. this recent one 24-2188 Ford Wheel Technical Service Bulletin where instead of replacing a vacuum line to fix the partial engagement of 4A, they just cap them which disables 2H mode and always runs in 4A.)
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