Hi there,
I have a 2016 Titanium AWD with the 2.0L Ecoboost with 115,000 miles. Yesterday, I noticed a strange noise happen while the engine is on, it sounds like a whirring "rrrrrr" noise that gets louder/higher pitched with increased rpms. Honestly reminds me of a string trimmer type sound. This happens at standstill and driving, and in neutral, drive, and park. The engine rpms seem to not want to increase past 2k, and when they do, the rpms bounce up to 4K then back down below 2K, and it feels jerky almost like a mis-shift. Here is a short video:
There are no check engine lights or codes, and the only other oddity is I hear a clicking noise coming from what I believe is the high pressure fuel pump near the top of the engine. Anyone seen this before or can help me diagnose this?