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Huge Hunk of Junk

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  1. I popped the hood of my 2020 Edge Titanium to clean off the drains, and they were really full of leaves, pine needles and other debris. These drains allow water to stay out of the air intakes at the base of the windshield. I once had a vehicle that also had a flap that directed the water into the drain rather the air intake, and when the flap got jostled somehow, it let rainwater into the intake plenum which then leaked on the passenger side floor. So, I like to keep those drains open. Anyway, it spending the minute to do this might be worthwhile.
  2. I got my 2020 Edge Titanium in 2021. The very first day I got it home, I set my phone on the door to the forward storage console, the one right below the temperature controls. The weight of the phone pushed the door's release button, and the door began opening. Luckily I grabbed the phone before it fell behind the storage area. I wondered how I would have retrieved my phone had it fallen back there, and checked online. It turns out that to recover anything lost back there, you have to disassemble the entire center console. What a nightmare!
  3. I'm a little late to this party, but some info that may be helpful to someone: The "fan on" algorithm is more complex than on/off at a certain temperature. There algorithm usually has a couple other triggers-- -The fan is on if the AC is on and the vehicle speed is below a certain value. That's so there's always air flow though the condenser. -The fan *may be* commanded off at Wide Open Throttle for some amount of time if the coolant temperature is below a set value. -The fan on/off algorithm may change if the Check Engine Lamp is on...the Systems Engineer may want the fan on if, for example, the reason the CEL is on is due to a bad temperature sensor.
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