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Everything posted by imafordboi69

  1. All four tires are at about half life and are of the same model and they get rotated every other oil change per the request of the bussiness we bought them from.. The issue happens all the time while most of our driving is in town on flat paved streets. We live on a hill and as we leave our driveway and start to go down the hill, its doing this with our foot on the pedel keeping the rig at around 10 mph. No bumps or pot holes.
  2. A couple of months ago we started noticing that the ABS would engage while doing normal stopping on dry roads. You would just be pushing on the brakes and then the ABS would kick in and push back on the pedel and make it take longer to stop. At first it was just a minor inconvienence. Lately the car has been doing this more than it has been doing regular braking. Just a normal drive can turn hazardous when we try and stop for a stop light and the pedel pushes back and wont let us stop the car even with us standing on the pedel. The wierd part is that the little ABS light on the dash never lights up with the exception of during startup like normal. We finally got it into the dealer this morning and they said that the cause is a CV axle thats broken causing this malfunction and also we need to replace a sway bar link and outer tie rod. Grand total of $950 to which i said oh hell no. I looked it up and did see that the teeth that the ABS sensor reads is on the CV axle so i got the car back and drove it up on ramps and looked it over myself. I checked all axles (AWD model) and did not see even any missing teeth on the axles where the ABS sensor reads. everything looked good with all CV boots in good shape as well. Also the sway bar link looked just fine. I would think that if the sensor teeth were messed up then the computer would notice while driving and throw a code to cause the light to turn on. I know for a fact that this dealership is having money problems. Gilbert Auto in Moscow ID. They have been in the paper for records related fines, not paying off trade-ins, and lately they arent paying the property rent. Im pretty sure they are blowing smoke up my tail pipe trying to get money out of us, all the while knowing its just a simple little fix. We have an appointment with another dealership in the next town over to get their oppinion. Untill next week, i pulled the ABS pump fuse so that we can drive the car safer than we were before. Yes the ABS doesnt work at all now and so the tires can lock up in a skid and the roll stability control cant function, but i believe that it is safer than not being able to stop at all. Has anybody else had a similar issue? I just know it has to be somthing easy.
  3. About a week ago i posted the thread "a funny thing happened on the way to the forum" . I have since made an appointment for the car to go in to the dealer. I have noticed another problem that i hadn't before. When you put the rig in reverse, it doesn't want to go. The rear of the car raises like you have the E-brake on and then it slowly starts to go. Once you stop, sometimes it makes a loud THUNK noise. Going forward at any speed has no issues, but any time you want to backup it seems to be putting up a protest and just plain doesn't want to go. Iv tried putting the E-brake on and off a bunch of times to see if its just hanging up, but have no change. Id like to maybe get some feedback from non-dealer people before it goes in and i get told that nothings wrong.
  4. We got a our second good snowfall this weekend, but it was the first time i had driven our 2007 AWD edge in the snow. We had left a restaurant and went to a friends house, and when we got to the friends house i noticed a burnt transmission fluid smell. I know the traction light blinked on and the front wheels were pulling, but iv never smelled this smell from the car before. It doesn't seem to have done it since that one time, but should i be concerned? Also, is the car always AWD, or is it rear wheel drive until the front wheels are needed?
  5. Go to a local junk yard and find an old cadillac. The tones are A,C,D, and F. Make your edge sound like a freight train coming down the line!
  6. DAMN LOL i think that trailer surpasses the 3500lb weight rating of the Edge. I'm sure the distributing hitch helps with the tongue weight but, i wouldn't be surprised if your transmission goes out before its time. The most i tow with our Edge is a small trailer made out of a S10 pickup truck bed. It weighs like 500lbs and the Edge doesn't even know its there. I leave the towing of our travel trailer to the 1981 suburban, which is much better suited for RV towing.
  7. I have had LEDs burn out in my Taurus as well. I had a 194 go bad in a door panel socket that turned into a strobe light for a while (kinda cool) and i also has a festoon doom light just quit working one day. The hype for LEDs is great, however i have seen on more than one occasion that they go bad. Iv even had expensive LED Christmas lights go bad two days out of the box.
  8. I make fun of you guys now, because i am well aware that one day i too will have my hat issued to me. I already wear one from time to time, but i figure that if i wear it backwards or slightly to the side, that i can pretend i don't know whats coming.
  9. Jebus chrystlers!!! Why on earth would anybody leave a turn signal on for darn near an hour!?!? The only people iv ever seen use a turn signal for more than even 15 min are orientals and old men wearing hats. :P But eventually long before an hour is up even they get the hint. LOL When i said that i tested my resistors, i meant that i tested them under NORMAL conditions. My resistors are sitting directly on the plastic bulb socket backing and iv had them there for over a year now. My resistors still have their lettering, and they have not melted the plastic they are sitting on even one little iota.
  10. Well the night we brought it home i read the manual front to back after work and i didnt remember that spot. I remember about bulbs and tires and all that, but i will admit it was like 4 in the morning when i got off work. I even keep the manual right next to my desk so i can refer to it, i guess i just didnt look at it for this because the windshield place that sells the latitudes said the rear wipers had to be serviced at the dealer. Plus i didnt try very hard because we didnt have the money for the latitudes right now and it just popped into my head as i sit here. All excuses aside, yes i should have looked in the manual, i will admit to that. I guess my next question that i know the book does not answer is; do you have to use that special looking unimpressive stock wiper? Anybody used the rain-x wipers on the back? i think it would be nice to have all matching nice wipers.
  11. When we picked up our 2 year old edge, it seems that the rear wiper has never been changed. We want to replace the front wipers with the new rain-x latitude wipers and want to try and put the latitudes on the back but we couldnt figure out how to even get the rear wiper off. Any help?
  12. Im curious as to the edge utilizes the high or the low beam bulb for the DRL. Most cars iv seen use the high beam bulb when on a dual bulb setup. The reason i ask is that i want to install HID bulbs on the low beam and DRL will not work with HID balasts. Many people on my Taurus forum have to disable the DRL when installing HIDs because Tauri only have a single bulb that works high and low. If the DRL uses the highs im going in to have them turned on.
  13. I hate the fact that the fog lights can only come on when you turn on the parking lights or headlights, or when its dark and the autolights come on. We leave the light switch in the auto position pulled out so that when its dark the headlights and fogs come on. I would love to have the fog lights wired so that when the switch is pulled out, they will come on whenever the car is on. In doing this i hoped that i could eliminate the fog cancel that happens when you turn on the brights. Has anybody attempted to rewire the power to the fogs so that they might work this way? I planned on dinkin around with them once the warranty wears out but im interested to know if anybody even had the same idea.
  14. LED flashers from say Schucks only cost about 9-12 bucks. I cant really comment more on your perticular situation without being able to study a diagram of the wiring. Im sure if i could spend some time with one that i could solve your situation as iv done with my Taurus several times. The diagram for my Bull is over an inch thick, i cant imagine how thick the diagram for the Edge would be but i do want one.
  15. Well you should be fine with those as well. The difference between those and mine is only 29/100 of an ohm, and really that's nothing. Another way of helping to combat the low resistance of the LEDs is to keep the dash board turn signals the stock 194 incandescents. What year is your F150? Could you utilize a LED capable flasher?
  16. Sorry!! like i said i went out last night and looked at the writing and misread what they said, however the ones you bought should work just fine. The higher the resistance, the slower that the blinkers will blink. A difference of 3/10 of an ohm wont make any difference. If you can, put the resistors on the front turn signals so that they don't run all the time when the brakes are on. Yes the tails do look like stock when they are not lit. Recently they made a set that has a clear lense and black filler so that the only thing that lights up red are the LEDs. I think they would look nice with my "discoball" style headlights. When i step on the brake i have 104 LEDs blinding the person behind me :P .
  17. OK, the resistors that i bought came from C and G electronics in Tacoma WA (www.candgelectronics.com). On their website, it doesn't seem that you can order them, but i think if you called them they could pull them off the shelf. I don't live near them anymore, otherwise i would get some for the group. My resistors are NTE5w8d2. (sorry in the dark last night i saw them as being 8.5 ohm but they are actually 8.2ohm. it was dark sorry :P) The ones on this page (http://www.sourceresearch.com/store1/quickstore.cfm?ProductID=47892&do=detail) appear to be what i have, but they don't have a picture. They seem to handle heat very well, as iv never had an issue with them. My resistors do quite well under a "switching" load i.e. the blinkers. I'm not sure how they will do under a constant load i.e. the brake lights. I don't yet know how the turn signal system works in the Edge, but since i didn't encounter a fast flash until i changed the front bulbs, i put the resistors on the front bulbs. For the brake lights, a higher watt resistor -might- be needed. If cooling is needed for your application, the best way to keep these cool would be to let them dangle free in the air. On a circuit board these style resistors will stand alone about 3/4 to one inch off the board. As somebody mentioned earlier you DO NOT want to cut one of the wires and install in only one wire (like cutting only the neg wire and splicing the resistor inplace). Doing this will cause the LED to run dimmer. You must cross between the two wires to mimic a load such as a light bulb would do (neg to poz). not sure if anybody has done this wrong but it was just a point i wanted to make. I work ALOT with electronics and electrical things. I always do many electrical projects to any vehicle i drive. I'm happy to answer any questions.
  18. So i read through all the posts here on the LEDs, and it was cool to see the progression of information since 2007. I did however want to add a couple of things. Our rig is a 2007 but it does have the superflux style LED 3rd brake light, it was one of the first ones i was gonna change but i looked real hard and could see the LEDs. Our other car is a 1995 ford taurus which i have done the full LED upgrade to including all exterior and interior lamps and so it was only a matter of time before i got the bug to do the edge. For the tails on the taurus i bought a set of actual LED housings that they make for the taurus, so that was already done for me. I used a style 3157 for the front turns and did encounter the fast flash. After reading the various posts and seeing what other people did, i had to add my 2 bits. after looking at the ones that the LED makers sell i refused to pay their prices. What i did was went to a local electronic parts distributor and bought two 8.5ohm 5 watt "brick" style ceramic resistors. These resistors are roughly the size of a "8 bump" leggo (sorry its the only thing i could think of being close). After reading the other posts and seeing some of the pictures i became somewhat puzzled. I believe that some of you may have been lied to about the size of your resistors. One person mentioned a 50 watt resistor but i looked at those in the store and saw them to be very large, and i very much doubt that you have one of these stashed in your car. I installed my resistors from pos-neg on the front lights and it fixed the flash. They are mounted directly onto the plastic bulb socket and i have tested them with the lights flashing for very long periods of time and neither of them got hot enough to even cause me to jerk my finger away. After having them installed almost a year now they haven't even begun to melt dents in the connectors. Just as some of you have stated about the cheap LEDs that come from china i believe that some of the resistors that are being sold are also of inferior quality and might have been slightly embellished to hype them up to make them sound more substantial. Maybe the next person to have the fast flash problem could try out an actual electronics part and see if they come to the same conclusions as i have.
  19. I wasnt sure whether this was for the towing or the AWD section but i guess ill put this praise here. Yesterday i was helping out cleaning a abused rental property. One of the things on the property was a 1979 pop-up camping trailer that had been sitting for years sunk-in to the ground with flat tires. We decided that this thing needed to move. I backed the Edge up to it and hooked up to it. I set the tranny in low and pulled that trailer out of the ground without even a slip of the tire. I was extremely impressed.
  20. Well im certainly not taking this rig back to them. Jiffy lube lost my business after they got into my Taurus after they stepped in dirty oil. I normally change the oil myself, but this winter wont end and i don't have a garage.
  21. WOW so i wonder where the 300 was gonna go towards if there isn't even a replaceable filter?
  22. A filter that never needs replacing? thats odd.
  23. So after we bought the edge we decided to send it in for its 15,000 mile checkup. In the book it says to change the oil, cabin air filter and rotate the tires. At the dealer they also wanted to replace the fuel filter. They told us they were gonna charge around 300 bucks to do these filters so we said HELL NO! LOL I know how to change filters dammit (hell iv changed engines) and i know for a fact that it doesn't take 300 bucks to change two filters. I already figured out how to access the cabin air filter, but where is the fuel filter? Also the book talks about a "climate-controlled seat filter". What is that? a fart filter? LOL What in the world does it do and where is it, and how do you change it. Because of the warranty, i feel pressed to have the dealer do allot of things, but ill be damned if im going to allow myself to robbed when i can do these things at home for pennys.
  24. According to my manual the edge has both ESC and RSC.
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