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Everything posted by DanEdge82

  1. Hi all. I’m new here but I’ve been lurking for some time. I have a 2019 Edge Titanium with about 85k miles. No warranty. No extended warranty. No DTC codes to speak of. I’ve only had it for a year but it’s been bucking/surging for most of that time. I’ve read through this thread and the Ranger forum threads on this issue, and I’m about to start trying to address it, bit by bit. I fear I will have no success in the long run, but I’m trying to stay positive. In no particular order, these are the areas I’m going to focus on, for better or worse. 1. Transmission fluid. I don’t think the original owner ever changed it, so this is near the top of my list for the next week. I’ll ask the shop to drain and fill twice if it still comes out too dark. 2. DPFE Sensor. Seems like a long shot that this could truly be the culprit. I have one arriving today from Rock Auto. I have the tool to disconnect the hoses so this should be fairly easy to tackle. edited Aug 10: changed DPFE. Bit of a pain to get those hoses loose but otherwise it was easy. Unfortunately, no notable improvement for me. 3. Related to the above, the EGR Valve. I want to peek at it and see how dirty it is. Will clean if possible and replace if absolutely necessary. 4. Throttle body. Not saying this is remotely related, but the TB in my old Fusion had gone out and so I was thinking about the one in my Edge. It’s easy enough to pull out and clean safely, so I might as well do it. No indication that this is actually defective, though. 5. PCM firmware. In February, I paid for Forscan and flashed the PCM. Risky shit, and probably better to have a shop do it. I do not recommend doing it yourself and am not responsible for anyone who does it. Anyway, it went fine, but didn’t fix the issue. Just noting it here since there have been a few TSBs about that. According to Forscan, I still have the latest version. 6 - 98. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ TBD. Any other things I am missing that others have tried. I don’t recall them right now, but I’ll try just about anything, up to… 99. Torque converter. If it comes down to this, I’m probably just going to sell the car. At this point we’re talking about a major replacement I can’t do myself and hours upon hours of paid labor. Will let you all know how it goes, but if anyone has any other recommendations, feel free to reply and I’ll add it to my list. Also genuine thanks to Robert for fixing the login issue so I could post here
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