I'm not sure if related, but my backup camera quit last August.
When the car had an 'episode', the backup camera did work briefly. It doesn't work every time this happens.
I also failed to mention that the brakes get very sensitive, brake with the slightest touch. That's how I know something is going to happen.
I'm usually able to drive normally after shutting off and waiting 5-20 minutes. The previous time this happened it took me an hour to drive 1.5 miles, to the shop.
During the time between the previous and newest switch I returned to the shop to diagnose. They couldn't replicate so nothing done.
Slowing down at an interstate exchange, there was a loud roaring?sound that decreased as I braked. Lack of acceleration. I made it to the next exit and sound returned. I had to stop suddenly for someone and there was a different loud noise. Got parked and while idling, Service AdvanceTrac light came on.
Returned to the shop and they said it was the outer tie rods (or ends?). Fixed. Problem returns.
I went to a different shop. They said it was 3 front spark plugs.
Son-in-law replaced those plugs.
Problem returned.
Returned to original shop for the most recent brake switch?/stop lamp switch diagnosis and fix.
Free under shop warranty, but this is ridiculous.
I'm unable to hear higher frequencies so I don't know if there are other sounds.