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John 2013 Edge

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  1. Are we certain this would work? If so, what hardware is required?
  2. And a final revelation; it looks like the “select” term applies to 2018+ models only. So I guess my question is can I use FJDS to program my new 2013 ABS module? Thanks
  3. Ok I’ve found this: https://www.motorcraftservice.com/diagnostic/Support?channelId=46&categoryId=286 Which says that the FJDS should be able to program modules but it uses the terminology “SELECT” vehicles which makes me nervous. Would love to hear from someone who knows. Thanks!
  4. Hello. I have a 2013 Edge Limited AWD and I’m going to replace the ABS module due to the sticky bypass valve issue. I understand I will need to program it, and that the traditional way to do that is with a VCM and Ford IDS. It would seem however that VCM units are all but unavailable. I can find plenty of info that J2534 with FRDS will work for 2018+, and some info that J2534 with FJDS will communicate with the older units like mine, but no confirmation that I would be able to use J2534 to program the new ABS/HCU module. I have the engine/trans assy out currently due to water pump and other maintenance, I figure I’ll change out the brake system items (hcu, booster) while I’m here. Can someone point me to a scan tool I should buy to do this? Will FJDS and a unit such as the Mongoose Plus or the CarDAQ Plus-3 program my new unit? Thanks
  5. I have the same exact problem; did you ever solve this?
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