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  1. Good Evening, I noticed tonight one of my fog lights is aimed lower than the other. Looking to aim them. I presume there is a hex adjustment on the bottom but before I get under there wondering if there is a procedure? Looking on Ebay at the foglight parts, there seems to be an adjustment screw. I presume I will need to remove the splash shield as well? Has anyone aimed their fog lights before? Thanks for the help!
  2. The fix I saw on another thread (see below) had a lot more velcro...mine was only a small piece between the clip and bar, which might be why it didn't seem to do anything.
  3. Your observation aligns with mine...the cold weather snap we had here about a month ago had this issue basically disappear, right when I had my dealer appointment.
  4. It definitely is that bar...when I push on it, it makes the hollow tick noise. I had a piece of velcro under the little spring arm that pushes against the bar for awhile and it didn't seem to help. I might take a more aggressive approach next fix attempt now that the dealer isn't going to do anything. I kept it all closed up for a month as we moved into winter and not using it seemed to let it settle and the ticking stopped. Had the dealer look at it a few weeks ago and they didn't see any issues. Now that it's been opened and poked at it's doing it again..so trying to keep it closed (including shade)to see if that helps again. Excited that we have some keeners in this discussion that want to try and troubleshoot and problem solve.
  5. This and the other info. provided by others has been so helpful. Thank you!
  6. To add some credence to what's being said by most, the seats are still identified as "Cooled" on the Ford build and price website, so I am going to assume the TED is still being utilized.
  7. Can someone that lives in a cold climate (close to freezing) please try this? After a cold start, turn the ventilated seats on and observe their behaviour for a minute or two...see if the fans start to cycle on/off on their own.
  8. Dealer wasn't able to replicate so no fix as no issue was observed (the fans stayed constant). No error faults were found in the system. Just looking at all the information versus what's in Ford's workshop manual (Thanks again, @Haz), there is conflicting information. Ford is saying the TED is still used but as people have pulled the seats apart, they are only seeing fans...and the heating function definitely does not use these seat fans, from my own observations. Maybe the SMCE is still monitoring temps and that's why it's changing one of the fan's speed...I have no idea. The heating function definitely does not use the blowers, so Ford's literature is outdated on that from what I can tell, which means any Ford Technician referencing that is being led astray. Sounds like I will just have to live with it.
  9. My '24 did an update last night. The Sync system is quite different now...has different icons and a bunch of settings were changed to the defaults.
  10. Can someone with the ventilated seats try turning them on after a cold start in a climate that is close to freezing to see if their seats do the same thing? I suspect the behaviour is normal.
  11. Another update. Both the seats do this...driver and passenger. Sounds like there is a fan in the back cushion that is also turning off and on...I thought only the bottom cushion was ventilated? Service appointment at the end of the month so we will see what they say.
  12. Adding this to my next service appointment. Here's a video of the seat fan surging. Anyone ever see or hear this occur on their vehicles? IMG_0501.avi
  13. A little more on this issue. Noticed this morning that the fans for the ventilated seats were surging (making more then less noise). Sounds like something is going on with the part. I will have to get it looked at next service.
  14. Found a bit more info (enigma-2 seems to have been on the right path) https://www.macheforum.com/site/threads/two-bell-dings-alerts-when-starting.17358/page-2 "Turning off the predictive destination setting appears to have done the trick - I no longer hear the bells! ..."
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