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  1. There's a new/replacement SSM, 52785, which includes changing the front discs to a revised PN ("-B"). SSM 52785 2024 Nautilus - Grunt Noise From Front Brakes During Initial Brake Applications - Built On Or Before 13-Jun-2024 Some 2024 Nautilus vehicles built on or before 13-Jun-2024 may exhibit a grunt noise from the front brakes during initial brake applications that goes away after the brakes warm up. This may be due to front brake disc stiffness. To correct this condition, replace both front brake discs with PZ1Z-1125-B. Refer to the Workshop Manual (WSM), Section 206-03 Front Disc Brake > Removal and Installation. For claiming, use causal part 1125 and applicable labor operations in Section 02 of the Service Labor Time Standards (SLTS) Manual.
  2. 2024 Nautilus - Accessing Cabin Fuse Box.pdf 2024 Nautilus - Accessing Cabin Fuse Box.pdf (Steps, with photos, to get to the CJB)
  3. This one may be a Hail Mary SSM, like trying tightening the rear shocks on BL/Reserve (I haven't heard of anyone not needing the replacement shocks at the end of the day). Over on lincolnforums we're 0-for-2, people trying that fix (zoom out, zoom in, then set to desired position) and seeing no change (I just posted it yesterday, citing Haz as the source).
  4. Is finding out what modules have had recent updates something a user/driver can find themselves, or is it internal (dealer-only) information? For instance, multiple people have shown an on-screen note that they successfully received an update to TCU-, but I haven't heard of similar user-facing notices for ACM/GWM/... Thanks!
  5. Seeing some reports of people getting an OTA: I wonder if it is this TSB being done via OTA (the TSB references that maybe users will get an OTA).
  6. Apparently it's a cleanup of the old 52432 - they want to make sure that even after the injector replacement CSP is done the shops should continue to replace all 4 direct injectors if they find a bad one going forward.
  7. This is where I heard they may have updated to mid-May, seeking confirmation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/837055781252452/posts/967086564916039/?comment_id=967295278228501&notif_id=1714702117258574&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
  8. Have you heard anything about an update on this, possibly moving the Dealer Bulletin in to mid-May rather than late June? Someone mentioned that last night, checking to see if you've heard the same.
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