Nothing happens when i open or close the driver door, nor i get door open sign in the info meter, seems like that sensor is dead.
But when i open al other 3 doors i get the door open sign and opening passenger door immediately kill the audio unit but nothing happens with driver door.
Hey Man,
Thank you so much for these detailed steps, i am gonna try them tonight and will update, meanwhile can you please go through another post of mine where I am facing problem with multimedia Sony screen.
I appreciate your help.
I have ford Edge 2013 sports, the problem is when i turn off the engine and lock the car the Sony screen does not go off, i have to open the passenger door once and close it then the screen goes into clock mode and turns off when i lock the car.
But every time i have to open & close passenger door for this.
I have Ford Edge 2013 Sports, sunroof does not have power at all, previous owner said he got it disconnected because his kids were trying to play with it every time they get into the car, my questions are:
from where can i reconnect the sunroof power.
is it possible to only remove sunroof shade and not Glass, because i am afraid that since sunroof hasn’t been used for more than a year, the glass may not close back.