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About hale232

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  1. greetings colleagues.... here is a new question... 😉 Ford Edge, automatic (6 speed) transmission, is it normal that when switching from N to R and R to N, a soft dull sound is heard in the front under the hood... while when switching from N to D or S, nothing is heard..... that means only in reverse, it sounds as if something is lightly and quietly banging.....???
  2. Please help, and sorry for bed english.... I'm from Croatia.... is it normal for you that when it's a little colder outside... that the car doesn't start at first.... the other day when it was 3C degrees, it misfired 2-3 times and only the first time in the morning, later in during the day it lights up... it is strange to me that when it is turned on in the morning it shows that the outside temp is 87C. battery health is 80%, capacity 75%, voltage about 12.4V... the mechanic says it's ok. the car otherwise works perfectly, pulls, doesn't smoke.. it is 2.0 154KW video: https://youtube.com/shorts/LboaCADX_qA?feature=share
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