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About jeldridge

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  1. Hey guys. I purchased a 2013 Edge a few months ago and so far I'm really loving it. The only complaint I have is the disappointing lack of "get up and go". I know this wasn't meant to be a speed demon, and I'm not expecting it to be. I just wish it had a little bit of zip when I hit the gas. When I give it a little extra, say I'm trying to pass someone on a two lane, it gets louder but doesn't really accelerate that quickly. Just to put things in perspective, my wife drives a 2015 Acura MDX. When you give that thing gas, it takes off! Again, I know my Edge isn't a Mustang, lol. Just wanting to give it a little pep. I've thought about a performance chip, but wondered if it was worth it? Do any of you have one, and could you tell much of a difference? Thanks!
  2. Right! I hardly ever listen to the radio!
  3. Thanks for the comment! I haven't been to the car wash yet, it's been raining off and on pretty regularly lately. But it's definitely ready for a bath! I'll give it a go and see what happens.
  4. I've read a few posts on here talking about replacing the factory antenna, but they were older posts. Just wondering if anybody has any new information or experience to share? I just got my 13 Edge, and one thing I noticed right away was that for some reason Ford thought it was a good idea to put the antenna at the front of the roof? That's just odd. Anyway, I've already had someone tell me to take it off before going through a car wash if I don't want to lose it. That got me thinking about replacing it with a shark fin. Problem is, with the "Vista Roof", there's not a whole lot of room where the antenna is located. Has anyone here had any luck finding a shark fin that will fit? Another option would be to replace the OEM with a "stubby" antenna. I just wonder if that too would get ripped off in the car wash?
  5. What's up everybody. Just purchased a 2013 Edge a few weeks ago. Loving it so far!
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